Chapter Six

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I was listening to my music while reading "The Fault in Our Stars" when I heard banging on my door. I rolled my eyes, not in the mood to be bothered by Liz or Georgina, so I turned up the volume of my music to full blast.

Even then, I could still hear the banging on my door. I snapped my earbuds out of my ears and glared at the door. "WHAT?!" I yell frustratedly, getting up from my bed and storming to my locked door. When I swung it open, it wasn't who I was expecting.

My heart thumped harder as I took a step back. His face scared the hell out of me. He had terrifying clown makeup on, and the bright red lipstick emphasized the scars on his face.

He smiled deeply, making his look even more horrific, "Surprise!"

I backed away as he took a step forward. Men with clown masks on flooded my room, surrounding me on all sides. Two grabbed my arms and held me still tightly. "This is the girl?" The scariest one asks, and two of the clowns nod rapidly. "Yeah, yeah. This is her. Don't believe me, check her right leg." One of them said quickly.

He walked forward, and flipped a pocket knife from his purple sleeve. I started to shake from fear as his gloved hand traced up my leg, cutting my jeans in the process.

"Hey, boss. The others are tied up and everything's ready." A clown says as he and another walks into the room. He looked back at me after nodding to the clown. He ripped my jeans and showed the scar on my leg. "Look like it's trying to heal, but we can't let it close," He says, then sticks the tip of his knife back into my wound, reopening it again. I yelled as hot tears dared to fall, but I clenched my jaw and shut my eyes. "Okay, wrap her up and let's go," He says, putting away his blade and walking out the room as the clowns begin to handle me. Wrap me up?! He continued before leaving the room, "Let's show this town Joker's back."

The clowns wrapped me in thick ropes and placed tape on my mouth, then I was flung onto one of their shoulders.

We walked out of my room and the smell of gasoline filled my nostrils. It was even stronger when he took me downstairs. I looked around and Lizette and Georgina were tied with ropes with duct tape on their mouths, sitting in the corner of the living room. They cried and screamed through the tape and I did the same. I may have hated them 5 minutes ago, but I wanted to be in their arms right now.

We kept walking outside but I kept my eyes on Liz and Georgina until we made it out onto the porch. The clown waiting by the door lit a lighter and threw it into the house. I screamed my lungs out and wiggled as much as I could despite the ropes around my body, ankles and wrists as I saw the windows light up in flames. This can't be real, this really can't be happening!

I was trying to make everything as difficult as possible until they started complaining. We were only half way down the driveway when one of the clowns stuck a needle in my arm and injected something into me. I immediately felt weak and droopy as I was thrown into the back of a van. I hit my back really hard, but the pain soon faded, along with everything else...
My ears were ringing when I felt enough strength to open my heavy eyelids. I felt movement, but heard nothing but a whistle-like sound. I saw blurred colors, and everything seemed to go in slow motion. I blinked slowly, wondering what was going on, where I was, and who I was with.

Suddenly, pain spread through my body and my senses began to come back slowly. I had no clue where I was when I could see, not very clear but clear enough, but I was on the ground. When I tried to sit up, pain shot through my side and caused me to scream. When I laid back on my back, I looked at my hands which were red and sticky. Shit, I was bleeding.

I couldn't move a lot without pain striking my body, so I tried to just move my head to get a clue of where I was. Debris was everywhere, along with smoke, Fire.

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