Chapter III

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The weekend has finally come to an end. And Reo just experienced the worst job of his life. Well, it wasn't that bad. The people were. And as always he got up from bed, took a shower then ate his breakfast that was prepared by Ba-ya. Surprisingly, Hiori wasn't there since he was busy doing his works. Reo might've done his daily routine but it wasn't the usual one. This time, he didn't go to Nagi's apartment to pick him up. He came to an assumption that Isagi is probably coming by every day to pick Nagi up, So he wasn't needed anymore. And to his surprise, Isagi and Nagi is walking together at the school's entrance. Nagi saw him and called him but he just looked away.

"Reo!" Nagi shouted at Reo but he didn't go to him. He just called Reo without trying to face him and stayed by Isagi's side. A new favorite, huh? Reo thought.

"Nagi..." He said softly while walking away from the couple. Nagi didn't even bother to chase Reo since it wasn't his business to interrupt so he just let him be.



After the classes ended, neither of them decided to talk. They didn't go home together too. After Reo took a shower he jumped to his bed and picked up his phone to check through twitter again. Surprisingly, he was dumbfounded when Nagi's name suddenly popped out at the top of his screen.

                                                                                   My Treasure<3

                                          Nagi: Reo? Are you there?


                                                                                                                                           Reo: ...


                                        Nagi: Don't ignore me, I saw you read my chat.


                                                                                                                                      Reo: Do you need something?

                                        Nagi: Why are you ignoring me nowadays? Did I do something wrong?

Reo didn't think about it more further so he just sent a "No" and flipped his phone at his desk. He wasn't thinking straight, This was the first time that Nagi chatted him first. He was always the one asking to hang out or do something outside. He wanted to talk and chat with Nagi more. But his brain doesn't want him to, he needs to stay away from Nagi for a while and come back to him after he finally lost his feelings for him. But fuck that, that literally means he won't be able to come back to Nagi since he could never lose his feelings for him. Not after being in love with him for years. He couldn't sleep so he went to the bar that he works at.

"A  tequila, please."

"Coming up! Oh! It's you Reo! Everything okay?"

A familiar voice. It was Eita. He is Reo's co-worker from the bar that he got close to, Eita is a  kind person but he can be really scary sometimes to be honest.

"Remember the guy I told you about? He really was dating him."

"Oh, the white haired guy you liked so much?"

"Yeah, him."

Eita just laughed at him and began to prepare his tequila that he ordered. Reo looked at his phone while scrolling through his and Nagi's conversation. He has drank over 3 shot of tequila and he's getting really drowsy while muttering some things about Nagi to Eita.

"I-I loved him so much! How could he be dense and date someone else other than me! Can he not notice my love for him for years? I gave him all my attention and rejected all of the girls for him! And H-He can't even give me a little bit of his time!" Reo kept on whining and sobbing while Eita is caressing his back and calming him down. Thankfully, no one is at the bar right now.

"There, there. Should I call you a cab?"

"I want Nagi! I wanna see him!" He definitely is drunk. Eita thought

"Alright, give me your phone. I'll give you what you want."

Eita took Reo's phone and started to call Nagi while Reo was passed out drunk at the counter. The phone kept ringing but then it stopped and someone finally talked.

"Reo? Hey, why are you calling? I'm with Isagi right n-"


Nagi was cut off by some unfamiliar voice that he have never heard before in Reo's phone.

"Oh? You're with someone? Never mind then!"

"Wait! Who are you? Why do you have Reo's phone?" Nagi asked with a stern voice.

"Oh me? The name's Eita. and Reo is currently sleeping in front of me looking harmless."

"Don't you dare lay a finger on him." His voice is so husky that you could hear him behind you standing.

"Oh, of course I won't! Not with a scary boyfriend threatening me." Eita chuckled and told Nagi the address of the bar. Well, Nagi didn't really need that address since he has a tracker on Reo's phone. He quickly grabbed his coat and told Isagi to go home first. He hurriedly went inside the bar and saw Reo hugging a man near the counter.

"Reo, come here." Nagi said to Reo who was looking at him like he's just an illusion.

"Nagi? H-How are you here? Am I imagining you right now? Wow, I must be really crazy for yo-" Reo's sentence was interrupted when Nagi snatched his wrist and held him tightly.

"Let's go home." Nagi put his coat around Reo and grabbed him to get out of that suffocating place and went to his apartment.

"My, my. what a scary obsessive guy you have chasing for you, Mikage." Eita said while cleaning up the mess that Reo made.



"What the? W-Where am I?" Reo said still looking dizzy and drunk. He hasn't sobered up.

"Why were you passed out drunk in a gay bar?" Nagi said while sitting on a soft couch while Reo just got up from the long sofa in front of him.

"What do you mean? I always get drunk on a bar." Reo was obviously trying to avoid the question.

"Yeah, but not in a gay one."

"W-What!? There's no difference!" Reo looked nervous that his face looks pale however it's mixed with his flustered emotion.

"Do you perhaps, like that bartender guy?" Nagi had a terrifying face on.

"No! I don't like Eita, why would I?" The only thing Reo thought of was disgust when Nagi said that he might've liked Eita. Because there is no way he's gonna take an interest in Tabito's man, If someone ever try to take advantage of Eita, they must be seeking an early death.

"I see. Then. Reo. Why have you been ignoring these days?"

Oh god no. He has no other reason for ignoring Nagi except one. and that is to get rid of his feelings for Nagi. and obviously, he cannot say that.

"Because I don't want to be a third wheeler." He definitely had no idea that, that would come out of his mouth.

"Oh" was the only thing that Nagi said before turning his back against Reo and went to the kitchen to cook some food.

That was definitely bullshit. I didn't mean to say that. Reo said in his mind while clenching his fist at his hair.

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