The Work Start

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Malleus pov :

After the conversation he had with the captain, Malleus was told to change clothes. Not like he was wearing much when he woke up but anyway.

"Okay you can take here whatever you want to change" Leona said as he shows a corner of the room with a trunk

Malleus stood up to go to the trunk, but fell for the second time.


"Ha Ha Ha. You look like a fawn who was born 2 min ago" Leona exploded in laughter

"Help me instead of laughing at me " said Malleus slightly angry

"Okay okay chill"

Then Leona took him princess style

"What the hell are you doing?! " said Malleus a little flustered

"Huh... Idk help you? " said Leona absolutely not bothered by this

Then Leona started walking toward the trunk and release Malleus in front of it.


"Thank you"

"You're welcome lizard. Do you need help to get change " he said with a very annoying smile

"No get out kitty " said Malleus without even looking at him

"Why should I get out? I asked you if you wanted my help, not if you wanted me to go "

"Have you heard nothing about privacy? "

"Nope what is that? "

"It's when you shup up and get out of the room" said Malleus while throwing a piece of clothe at Leona's face that was in his hands.

"Okay okay I'll leave" then he yawn "I need a nap" he said quietly

"Are you serious? You just sleeped like 20 minutes ago"

"Well I'm tired so bye " and with that he left the room
"What a weirdo" Malleus said to himself. Then his attention got back on the trunk.

"Okay let's see what we got here"

After 20 minutes of searching and another 20 minutes to get dressed he was finally ready.

Leona pov :

The hell is taking him so long? It as been more than 40 min since he left the room, he had the time to take a nap and give some instruction to the crew.

When Leona had enough, he got up from where he was laying and got down the stairs to arrive at the deck of the boat. As he get closer to the room, the door opens.

Leona forgot to breathe for a second (or more like 5 minutes). What he saw was Malleus dressed with a white shirt and black trousers. Nothing was wrong about the outfit so far but what really made Leona stop working was the black and gold corset he was wearing on top of the shirt and the black high heels that made him look a little taller than he already was. He also did a pony tail with his hair, surely to avoid getting trouble with it later.

Malleus pov :

Malleus looked at the sky for the first time in 3 days. He then looked towards him and saw the captain of the ship. As Malleus walked toward him he noticed that Leona was a little weird.

"Are you okay? " he ask

It took a minute to Leona to respond

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. Good outfit, I didn't even know I had those things. "

"Really? It's your clothes no? "

"Well yes and no. It's clothes we stole or some of the clothes the members buys when they are drunk"

"Charming.... " said Malleus a little disgusted

"So now I will explain to you how we work here "

After 1 hour of Leona showing him the different part of the ship and the rules, he lead Malleus to Ruggie and they were properly introduced (not like the two other time they have seen each other). After that, Ruggie explained the work Malleus will have to do. It was pretty chill and just consisted to clean for the majority of the work. He could deal with this.

It was the end of the afternoon when Malleus finished learning everything and do his daily chores.

"It's time to eat ~" Ruggie said to him in a happy tone.

During the time they had to stay with each other and do their task, Malleus and Ruggie got surprisingly closer. Ruggie often makes Malleus laugh and their dynamic was just working. Ruggie was still a little scared but not as much as he was the first time.

"Yeah that's right. But what do you eat anyway on a pirate ship ? You can't really stock anything "

"Yup we often don't eat very well but tonight is different! " said Ruggie even more excited

"Oh, and why is that? "

"Look " he said pointing his finger in a direction

Following his finger he could see an island that seemed animated.

"Tonigh we are going to eat on the island"

"Don't pirate are greedy and don't want to spend their money?"

"Yeah most of them are like that. Or more specifically the captain of these ship are. But not Leona, he is not like that. He saved most of the people you see here on the boat" he said with a almost nostalgic voice

"He saved you? "said Malleus intrigued

"Yes he family was very poor and we had nothing. My mother died when she had me and my dad left one day, I don't even know if he is still alive. At some point we needed to sleep outside. Leona found me almost dying in an alley and took me with him. He got me food and water and offer me a place to stay in, away from the cold of the night. I own him life " ruggie said and took a little break
"They don't all own him life like me but you will find no one on this ship who would betray him. Well... I guess, yes you already did, because of the one who took you're wings but for me I'm sure of one thing, I will never betrayed him"

Malleus was really touched by his story. When he saw ruggie about to cry he took him in his arms to give him a hug. The action was not expected so Ruggie made a small noise but then fell into his arms and cried openly. Malleus just caressed his back to make him feel more comfortable.

Little do they know that Leona was watching them from a spot above...

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