Song Under The Moonlight

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Leona pov :

By the time Leona got on the boat all the members were already asleep because it was already 00.30 am. He got in his room to find it empty.

"Tsk! He's not there... " Leona was getting angry

He got out of his room to find Malleus when he heard something. By the volume of the sound it was on the front of the boat in front of the prow.
As he got closer the sound was more distinct, it was a song?

" What the actual hell? " Leona thought, "Nobody is awake"

What he saw next made his heart completely stop and then rushed like it wanted to go out of his chest. But at the same time he was relaxed because what was in front of him was Malleus singing some lullaby he didn't know. He looked  magnificent like that with the light of the moon. His skin was Illuminated with a soft blue light and his voice was the most softer and most beautiful that Leona has ever heard in his entire life.

He was sure that even the mermaids could never match the beauty of Malleus voice. The only thing he wanted to do right now was to grab Malleus, get into their room and sleep on his lap while he was singing.

Wait... what? ... WHAT!?

What the hell was he saying?! He was their prisoner! He couldn't just think things like that! He was supposed to be angry, not having some kind of other weird feeling.

He put himself together and waited for Malleus to finish his song.

"You done? " he then asked

Malleus turned around faster than light

"What are you doing here and how long have you been watching me? " he asked, panicked

"First of all I should be the one to say that. And second of all I've been here since about 1/4 of the song" Leona said quite annoyed

"Wait... What time is it? "

"I believe it's about 00.50 am now "

He then put his hand in front of his mouth

"I completely forgot...i was busy watching the moon"

"Just by watching the moon you got distracted for about more than 1 hours and didn't heard the crew coming back? "

"Well... To be honest I was thinking about my home... " he painfully said

"You miss your family? " he said not understanding very well because his family will never miss him and he won't miss them either

"Kinda... But they are not really my family "

Leona made a intrigued noise to make Malleus going on

"My parents abandoned me when I was born. They said they didn't want to raise a monster and that I shouldn't be allowed to live." He took a deep breath and then continued

"My grandmother didn't agree with them at all so she banned them from where we were living. One of her friend, a retired warrior then helped her raising me, he is now like a father to me. With him i found a baby abandoned in the woods for the creatures to eat. We couldn't leave him like that so we took him and raised him with us, and at the same time the grandson of an old friend of my father was hanging out with us." He then got a soft smile on his face
" They are my family even if we are not blood related... "

Leona didn't think that the boy before him who seem financially well-off and looked like a daddy's boy was in reality abandoned by his own parents and found himself a family.

But even so, Leona didn't really understand the concept of a found family. He didn't even get the one for the blood related so how could he get the one for that?

Malleus must have seen his face because he asked

"What's wrong? "

"I don't really get the concept of family to be honest "

"Uh? Why not? "

"Because my family never cared about me. I was the second born and I had absolutely no value "

"It's awful... "

"I don't need your pity "

"It's not pity, it's empathy "

"Same thing "

"No it's not"

And then out of nowhere for some reason he didn't know, Malleus took his hand and started to walk with him in the direction of the room.

"What are you doing? "

"Going to sleep"

Without anymore explanation they arrived at their room.

"So I'm gonna get changed and after we need to establish how we sleep "

"Okay... "

Malleus then got into a smaller room attached to Leona's room

About 10 min later he came back with a black t-shirt and a black leggings. He also let his hair go from the scrunchie.

"So how are we going to do this? "

"I take the right side. Because the bed is in a corner where the top and the left side are blocked so you cannot escape "

"Okay if you want " he said with a little sigh while he was getting on his side of the bed.

Leona changed himself to go to bed. After that he practically collapsed on the bed.

"Are you okay? " said Malleus a little concerned

"Yeah... "

And again out of nowhere his torso got move. Now his head was on the lap of the other man still sitting on the bed. Leona though he was already asleep and was just dreaming. But it was like the other man read his mind before because he was now singing the same lullaby from before.

That song talked about a person who dreamed about another. Then they thought they saw them, and that if the person was like in their dream they were going to love them. A little weird and very fairy tale like but he was not going to question it. At some point Leona really felt asleep and the only thing he remembered was a hand on top of his head caressing his hair delicately.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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