Chapter 13: Falling Apart

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Susie's POV:

It had been days and I still hadn't gone back to work. Nobody seemed to notice that I was gone. I figured I wasn't needed there anymore.

Besides, it's not like anyone wanted me there. Maybe y/n did, but she'd get along just fine without me. And Sammy definitely didn't want me there. After all, he had y/n. He didn't need me anymore.

Who am I kidding? He never needed me. He never even paid attention to my existence, other than when we first met.

He used to notice me. He used to care about me. A long time ago. It feels like forever ago.

But he became busy. And he became consumed with work. And he got annoyed with me trying to get his attention, or even simply talk to him after that. And now, for over a year, he couldn't stand my existence, leaving me wondering what I had ever done wrong.

We had never been in an official relationship, but there used to be chemistry between us. I could sense it. He could sense it. Everyone in the Music Department could sense it.

I was so sure he would ask me to make things official back then. And I was ready.

I was still ready, even though I didn't stand a chance with him anymore. Because once he got so busy he lost interest in everything and everyone else. Including me.

But then, the lovely little y/n came along. At first, Sammy hated her. But something changed. I don't know what happened, but the two of them clicked. Sammy used to always be so stressed out, but once she became his assistant, he was doing better than he ever had before. I could see it. Even back when he had feelings for me he never looked at me the way I always see him look at her.

She couldn't see it. And honestly, Sammy probably didn't even realize it. But he felt something for her. I could tell.

I always pushed it aside and tried not to care. I tried not to care because y/n was my best friend and she didn't know what things were really like between Sammy and I. She just assumed that everything was fine between Sammy and I, and that me and him were a happy couple just like we should've been.

But I guess she lied, considering she admitted to me that he couldn't stand to be around me. Sammy probably told her that from day one, yet she didn't bother to ask me about it.

But even when I got my small bit of revenge on her with a good slap across the face, I didn't feel any better. I only felt worse. I felt guilty.

Maybe she deserved it. But that doesn't mean I should've actually hit her.

Gosh, so much had happened in such little time, that I had no idea how to feel. It wasn't too late to fix things, and I knew that. But I couldn't stand to face her after that argument. I couldn't bring myself to simply say sorry right afterwards. How are you supposed to apologize for hitting your best friend?

On top of that, I was too angry and hurt. She didn't deserve my forgiveness. She hurt me too bad. Just thinking about her made me furious.

I felt so empty and useless. Everything was falling apart. I lost the three most important things to me. I lost Sammy, I lost y/n, and worst of all, I lost Alice Angel.

Y/n tried texting and calling me multiple times, but I ignored her every time. There were a few times where she would even come to my house, but I would never answer the door.

I knew it would be best to fix things, but I couldn't. At least, not right now.

But after about a week I came to the realization that I couldn't just sit back and keep being miserable. I needed to do something about it. There had to be a way to fix things.

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