Chapter 19: New Normal

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Y/n's POV:

"Are you messing with me right now, y/n? Because no offense or anything, but this all sounds like a joke."

I laughed. "I'm serious, Wally."

Wally scoffed. "Sheesh, y/n. I had a feeling that Sammy missed you, but I didn't think he missed you to the point where he'd want to come into your apartment and talk with you. What did he say?"

"I probably shouldn't tell you. It was some really personal stuff."

"Fair enough."

"Oh, and don't tell anyone else I told you about this!" I added, interrupting him.

"Of course I won't," he promised. "I can keep a secret."

"Good. Thank you."

For some reason, I was so excited about the fact that Sammy and I had finally worked things out between us, and I was dying to tell someone about it. So I told Wally.

Of course, I didn't tell him what Sammy told me, since I promised him that I wouldn't tell anybody. I only told him about how I invited Sammy in, how the two of us talked, and nothing more.

Just then, we came to a stop light where Wally turned to me with a mischievous grin. "So did you guys do anything else in your cozy little apartment late at night?" he teased, poking me in the side.

"Of course not!" I huffed. "He's my boss! We'd never... do anything!"

"That's a shame. But it's alright; I bet you two will find plenty of opportunities to do each other in the future," Wally went on, laughing to himself as he spoke.

"I– we don't– he wouldn't– that's disgusting!" I stammered. "I'd never 'do him'!"

"But you'd probably like it if he did you, wouldn't you?"

"What?! No, I wouldn't!"

"Aw, but you're turning all red!" he pestered, elbowing me in the shoulder.

"Yeah, because you're embarrassing me!"

He laughed at that. The light changed from red to green, making him turn back to the road to continue driving. "I told you that you'd feel better if you talked to him," he added. "And I was right, wasn't I?"

I nodded. "You were. I'm glad I talked to him."

"I'm telling you, you should always listen to me. I've got good ideas."

"Hey, I know you do."

As always, Wally and I continued chatting with one another as we made our way to work. For once I wasn't dreading work, now that I had a sense of peace that things were finally back to normal; a new, better normal than before.

I was curious as to how everyone would react to seeing me again. Would they be excited? Surprised? Maybe both?

Once I arrived in the Music Department, I discovered that I was right; everyone was pretty surprised to see me.

When I was working with Jack, I would arrive at work really early. Earlier than anyone else. Wally was an early bird, so he didn't mind driving me to work extra early since I wanted to show up before anyone else to avoid them seeing me.

And apparently, that worked, because everyone in the Music Department acted as if I had gone missing for the past two weeks.

But when I thought about it, I kind of had.

Sammy Lawrence x Reader (The Not-so-Normal Music Director)Where stories live. Discover now