Chapter 29: What a Story

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Sammy's POV:

I sat in my office, impatiently waiting for y/n to come back. It had been about thirty minutes by this point. She wasn't answering her phone, so I assumed she had her phone turned off.

But still... I had a bad feeling about wherever she was.

"Something might've happened to her," I thought to myself. "I should go find her."

I stood up out of my chair and left the office to go and look for her. I went to the recording studio, I went to Norman's recording booth, I went to my sanctuary, I checked some offices, I went to the infirmary, I went to Jack's workplace, I checked the closets, everything. I asked people if they had seen her, but so far, nobody had. But then at one point I came across that one friend of y/n's who worked in the Art Department, Buddy. As soon as we made eye contact though, he quickly looked away. But I stopped him before he could walk off.

"Hey, you! Buddy, right?"

Buddy stopped in his steps and looked at me with surprise and a hint of nervousness. "Uh... yeah. Do you need something, Mr. Lawrence?"

"Call me Sammy," I said before asking, "Have you seen y/n anywhere? She left our office a while ago and hasn't shown up in a bit, but I can't find her anywhere. I'm starting to get worried."

"I have, actually," Buddy said. "I ran into her about, I don't know, half an hour ago. She was in a rush to get to the elevator. She told me that she needed to go to the bottom floor to go talk to Mr. Drew about your guys' next song."

"Why would she—" then I stopped myself. I had a feeling I knew what she was doing at the bottom floor. And it wasn't to go talk to Joey. I had been in the same situation as her when I first started drinking ink. She was definitely going to the Ink Machine. "Dammit."

"What? Is everything alright?"

"Did she say anything else about where she was going or what she was doing?"

Buddy shook his head. "No. But something about her seemed kind of... off."

I sighed. "Alright. Thanks for your help, Buddy. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome... I guess?"

I left the hallway and went to the elevator. I pressed the down button and waited for the elevator to make its way to my floor. But to my surprise, as soon as the door opened, y/n appeared.

"Y/n! There you are! Where were you?"

She gave me a bit of a weird look. Buddy was right; something about her was definitely off. "I, uh... I went to..." she paused. "Nevermind."

I looked down at her hands to see that they were stained black. Black with ink.

"What's on your hands?"

She looked down at her hands before looking back up at me. "Ink, maybe?"

"Where did you go?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said. She rubbed the sides of her head with a painful groan. "Can I go lay down in the infirmary?"

"Uh... sure. Why? Are you alright?"

"I think I hit my head. It really hurts."

"Oh, yeah, for sure. Let's get you down there," I said, walking by her side to get there. "What happened?"

"I'm not completely sure," she groaned.

"What do you mean you're 'not completely sure?'"

She didn't answer. She just shrugged.

Sammy Lawrence x Reader (The Not-so-Normal Music Director)Where stories live. Discover now