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{Stølko pov}

Knøbjorge: "Brother, it's time." I sigh as I got up and looked at my sister.

Stølko: "Okay, let's hunt her down." I said and get my sniper ready and we exited out our hideout and started searching for Åsgård in town. We didn't hide this time. These humans are looking at us like we're idiots.

One of the human officer came to us as we looked at it.

Human officer: "Excuse me you two. What are you guys doing dressed up like idiots? It's not Halloween. Why don't you go home and take them off?"

Knøbjorge: "Brother, I'm hungry, may I?"

Stølko: "Eat 'em." I said as Knøbjorge giggled and her mouth opened up and the human officer grabbed it's gun and starts shooting at us. Knøbjorge and I dodged every bullet was fired and my sister grabbed the human's arm and sliced it off and drank the blood.

Knøbjorge: "Mmm~." She laughed as the officer screamed in pain. She look at it and sinisterly ran to it and she giggled at it. "GIMME MORE!!!" She yelled and stabbed him multiple times and started drinking blood.

Every human around us ran everywhere as I walked passed through them. She got up after she got up and catch up with me.

I followed my tracker that is leading us to Åsgård and I noticed that it led us to the forest when I look up. We head in and search for her there.

We heard noises as we got closer and hid behind the tree, Knøbjorge giggled quietly and noticed there was a child doing some thing until we saw Åsgård came up to it and help the child out.

We looked at each other and nodded as we went to separate ways, I hid in the lake as I grabbed my sniper and aimed at Åsgård's head.

{Åsgård pov}
(January 13th, 1954 12:00PM)

Åsgård: "Alright bud, let's take a break a little. You done amazing today." I said as Erik handed me the survival tools I made for him this morning and we walked back to the cabin.

Erik: "Åsgård, I got a question? What's keeping you alive and running if your shard is like a heart?"

Åsgård: "Well good question. Let's see —." I think for a bit. "Every autos like me have different type of shards. They all run differently. There's green shards, sky blue shards, orange shards, bright red shards, purple shards, pink shards, and hazel shards."

Erik: "Sorry to ask, but why's your shard yellow? You forgot to say yellow." I looked at him and laughed a little.

Åsgård: "I don't know why my shard is yellow. No one has ever seen the yellow shard before. They say it is very exotic and super duper rare. Like the white shards, only the difference is you can see them only on the supreme automation dolls, like the 9 Valkyries. For a example."

Erik: "There's white ones too, are there any more colors?"

Åsgård: "Yes, there's black shards and the darker colors ones are called dark shards. I'll explain them to you about—"

???: "THERE YOU FUCKING ARE!!!" I was rudely interrupted and turned my head to see who it was and I saw the blue automation doll with fire details and a bit of gold. I knew who she was and I got my ax ready and made Erik go hide.

Åsgård: "Knøbjorge, been a long time. Where's your brother?" I asked as Knøbjorge's mouth opened up with a tongue sticking out like a psychopath.

Knøbjorge: "Aiming right at your head." She said. I looked at some trees and saw the little blue dot on my forehead and I saw Stølko hiding in the water. "Who's your pet? I want to drink it's blood."

ÅSGÅRD «On hold till winter»Where stories live. Discover now