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hi!! sorry for being so inactive. I haven't been able to write due to me being unwell both mentally and physically.

but I'm back with a short drabble for valentines. I know it was only valentines yesterday, but I could not get it finished then, so..



May exhaustedly dragged herself across the pokémon centers floor, as she immediately sunk back into one of the couches. Yawning, she brushed some hair out of her eyes. She had been traveling for a while, and she had gotten so busy that she had forgotten the date, the time — even when her next contest started.

She had been training and practicing all day, ignoring her own boundaries of what she could take. In the beginning it felt all right, but slowly yet quickly it started to make May realize she was pushing herself way too hard. But so focused on winning the contests, she couldn't drop the topic of nonstop training.

'May maple of petalburg?'

May frowned as she immediately pulled herself up. Her eyelids heavy, and her mind barely functioning, she warily replied back. 'Huh? What's wrong?' She blinked a couples times before recognizing the figure before her. It was nurse joy, with apparently a letter and rose in her hand. She could see nurse joy awkwardly nod before she continued. 'Someone left a note for you.'

May hesitated before accepting the letter from Nurse joy's hands, gritting her teeth into a grin before she let her head hang over her eyes. 'Heh, thanks,' she mumbled back. 'I'll read it later, I— I'm real tired. I could use a rest,' May intoned, lifting herself up from the bedding as Nurse joy simply nodded.

She quickly snapped her head back to the windows, her eyes temporarily examining the morning sky. She had been training — all night. No wonder she was so worn out. 'Can I get a room?' May asked before following Nurse joy back to her desk. 'Of course,' The nurse retorted, reaching for the keys before handing hers over. She shot May a smile before she stumbled off.

She shuffled into her bed. She quickly and gently clutched the letter in her hands before opening it carefully. She read;

{ Dear May,

I'll be out in the flower field before the pokémon center you're in— right here, right now. On the 14th of february.

I hope I can talk to you there. But ofcourse it's up to you wether you'll come, sweetheart!

anonymous. }

May tilted her head at the last sentence. Sweetheart? The red rose made her have the feeling it would've been Drew who sent that letter, but he'd be the last person to make a comment like that. She bit her lip as another mutual entered her mind — Harley. The purple haired tall freak with the cacturn.

What would he want to talk with her about? Maybe some lame attempt to get her to trust him again? She confusingly cocked her head before snickering. Well, to be honest I am really curious. What if it's something truly interesting? Plus, I've learned my lesson and won't trust him so easily again.

May furrowed her eyebrow, carefully choosing what she would do after getting rest. She could either meet up with Harley, or stay in her bed and get the beauty sleep that she deserved. May huffed. As much as she longed for some rest, she was way too curious and stubborn; she knew. So she thought whatever she thought was the best idea.

Mays gaze rolled across the field of flowers as she quietly gasped to herself in awe. It was a lovely place here, and she couldn't have known it was here unless she would've have been sent that letter. She looked around, hoping to see Harley somewhere.

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