Chapter 2: Wind

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Seven walked with Three in the gardens. Even though the sun had set, the moon shone at full strength. A few lights also hung around the garden so it was still fairly well-lit. They had the choice to turn the lights off, but they figured it would be better to have them on for when Eight rejoined them. Seven looked up at the sky, trying to pick out constellations. Three watched as One approached them. He moved past Three and grabbed Seven by her wrist, pulling her from Three.

"What are you doing?" Seven asked.

"You shouldn't be hanging around Three. He is dangerous and not to be trusted," One explained.

"I'm standing right here," Three glared, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Three is one of the twelve. He is not dangerous," Seven glared, trying to pull away from One.

"He always fights with Professor. He opposes what we stand for. Don't tell me you actually believe him," One was slightly in disbelief.

"I believe what I believe. We are supposed to be a team. Why is everyone so against Three?" Seven asked.

"He's charmed you, hasn't he?" One asked. He turned to Three in anger. "You are using your powers against us now?"

"What? No! I would never do anything like that. Especially not to Seven," Three explained, his anger was starting to rise.

"Can you just not pick fights right now?" Seven asked, trying to step between the two of them, but One was keeping her in place behind him.

"I told you to stay in line, Three. You need to get your crap together," One said. It was as if he was challenging Three. He seemed to want to get in a fight.

"You need to get your crap together. Listen to Seven. I did not use my powers on her," Three gestured toward Seven.

"Why would I believe anything she says? She is under your control!"

Seven balled her fists. How dare he say such a thing? Seven snapped. She ripped her hand away from One and held out her hands. Her fingernails grew to claws and dark green goo began to drip from her fingertips. She growled and slashed at One, cutting his arm with her claws. Acid began to burn at his skin and he screamed in pain. He grabbed his arm and looked at the acid burning into his skin. He looked up at Seven with shock.

"Seven, stop!" Three shouted as Seven went to attack One again. He jumped toward them and grabbed Seven from behind, holding onto her. Splashes of acid hit his arms, slowly burning at his skin. He winced but held her back. Seven growled but calmed down a little. She wasn't fighting to get out of Three's grip.

One glared and punched the air, sending a blast of fire toward Three and Seven. Three switched places with Seven and held out his right hand. The fire blast went into the palm of his right hand and fire swirled around his arm. He lifted his left arm and the fire traveled from his right to his left arm and out his left palm, sending it back to One. One pushed the fire blast to the side with his hand. The fire didn't burn him or even phase him. It was like he was immune to the effects of fire. The fire blew past him and began to burn the surrounding greenery.

An alarm echoed throughout the Facility. Everyone looked up at the sound and began to run through the Facility to find out where the source was coming from. Six and Nine were sitting in the lounge and exchanged looks as the alarm went off. Six had messy blond hair and soft blue eyes. His skin was tanned. Nine was the exact opposite. He had black hair and piercing orange eyes. His skin was pale and he had some freckles across his cheeks and nose. Six had a black choker and some silver earrings decorating his left ear. They both stood and ran to find out what was happening. They ran to the gardens to find it burning and Seven, Three, and One all fighting. A glow surrounded Nine's body and he ran into the fight. He grabbed Seven, pulling her from One. The acid dripping from her fingers rolled off the glowing aura around him. The glow around Nine was acting as a barrier.

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