Chapter 5: Earth

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Eight practically tore Professor's office apart. Professor and Ethel left to find Archer. It was suspicious he hadn't come to report yet. He was investigating Professor's desk when he found a hidden compartment. He smirked. "Jackpot."

Eight found a leather journal inside the hidden compartment. He closed it and quickly tried to tidy things up to make it look like someone didn't just ransack the office. He checked to make sure no one was outside the office before leaving. He hid the journal in his jacket and began to walk down the hallway as if nothing happened.

"Eight!" Eight froze. He turned, acting as if he just hadn't come out of Professor's office. Ethel ran down the hallway to meet him. "We desperately need your skills. There's been an attack. We must hurry!"

Ethel grabbed Eight's wrist and began to pull him down the hallway. Eight didn't resist to avoid looking suspicious. Hopefully whatever happened can be solved quickly. She took him to the lab where Professor, Eleven, and Archer were waiting. Archer was on the table, his face was twisted in pain. Eight's eyes widened as he looked at his shriveled body.

"What happened?" He knew what happened. Seven attacked him. She told him. But he didn't think she was capable of something like this. He still hadn't seen her powers in action and was still unaware of what she could fully do.

"Seven's gone rogue. The little brat attacked me," Archer grimaced.

"Half of the moisture from his body is missing. His body is dehydrated," Eleven explained.

"I assume you are here to help then," Eight said, moving closer to Archer and beginning to heal him. He didn't necessarily want to, but he had to so he wouldn't blow his cover.

Eleven nodded and began to create water and touched Archer's skin. Within seconds, all of the water on Eleven's hands was sucked dry. She looked up at Eight and then to Ethel and Professor. "He's in worse condition than I thought."

"Just do what you can," Professor said. He seemed rather calm for finding one of his assistants in this condition.

"I told you we should have taken care of her when we had the chance," Archer winced as his body began to heal.

"I will deal with her. You just focus on getting healed up," Professor said before leaving.

Eight felt his heart drop to his stomach. How could he protect Seven if he was stuck here healing one of the villains? Plus, they couldn't get Three out if everyone was in here. The only thing he could do was hope Seven would stay safe. 


Seven sat down with her back against the wall. She had been running around the Facility for what felt like ever just trying to find an exit. Professor made it impossible for them to ever leave and Seven was starting to give up hope that they would escape. If she gave up now, she would be killed. She knew that. She was too dangerous to have in the Facility.

"Psst." Seven looked around, slowly standing and preparing for a fight. The sickly green aura began to slowly form around her and her nails grew into claws. She walked down the hallway a little and turned the corner. Twelve held up his hands. "Whoa! Hang on! It's just me!"

"Twelve?" Seven asked. The aura began to fade, but she kept her claws for the time being. She glared at him, trying to decide if he was friend or foe.

"I'm on your side. I talked with Eight. I want to help you escape. But we need to move fast. Professor is looking for you," Twelve explained.

"Why help me? Are... are you aware like us?" Seven asked.

"Yeah. It's a long story. I'll explain when we find somewhere safe for you to hide. But we have to hurry," Twelve explained, looking around in worry.

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