Chapter 8: Nature

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"There is only one way into the facility which is right here," Eight said, pointing to a spot on the map Billy had provided. "It can only be opened with an authorized handprint. At least, that's how it opened from the inside."

"And how did you manage to get it opened?" Billy asked.

Eight looked over to Seven and smiled. "Seven has a wonderful trick of tricking the system."

"It's just poisonous gas and a rubber glove. It's nothing too crazy," Seven grabbed her arm.

"But you can do it again?" Charlie asked.

"I just need a glove," Seven shrugged.

"We have plenty of those. So what's the plan when we get inside?" Charlie asked.

"I'm not sure. We know Twelve is on our side. He's abilities are far above our own. Maybe he can help us. He did this thing that counteracted the effects of one of the anesthesias," Eight explained.

"So, you are going to make him do it to the other nine with Professor, Ethel, and Archer all attacking us? Plus the others probably will be working with them. I doubt we have much of a chance," Seven shook her head.

"Twelve should be working on a plan. He knows we were escaping. There is a reason he stayed back," Eight looked at her.

"He said he was going to try and keep Professor in the Facility when I talked to him. He said something about me and Three being his favorite projects," Seven looked down.

"It only makes sense he would want to get his son back," Ty nodded.

"But why would he want Seven?" Charlie asked. She realized what she said and quickly waved her hands in defense. "I'm not saying that you aren't special or anything! If anything, you probably were just too powerful, right?"

"He was going to kill me because I became too dangerous. He would constantly run experiments on me because my powers were not to his liking," Seven grabbed her arm and looked away.

"What a son of a..."

"Watch your mouth, young lady," Billy gave Charlie a stern glare.

"Sorry, Gramps," Charlie gave a sheepish smile and rubbed the back of her neck. She cleared her throat. "Back to the plan."

"With our Focuses and Eight and Seven's combined powers, we might be able to keep the other at bay. Especially if Twelve is helping," Ty folded his arms.

"I'm sorry. Focuses?" Eight asked.

Charlie and Ty showed Eight and Seven their bracelets. Ty's bracelets turned into gauntlets and Charlie's bracelet turned into a spear.

"Gramps made these. Aren't they cool?" Charlie asked as she handed the spear over.

"I've never seen anything like this... then again. Most of my life has been removed from my memory," Eight shrugged before examining the spear.

"These are what you used against the sentries," Seven said.

Ty nodded. "We don't have powers like you guys, so we needed another way to defend ourselves against Henry and his crazy mind."

"I always knew I had to stop my brother so I dabbled around and made these," Billy shrugged. He smirked in pride. The way he held himself was much different than Professor. He was confident and caring. Much different than Professor.

"So, what is the plan? We break in, make a scene, try not to die?" Seven asked.

"Six against twelve? I like those odds," Charlie smirked.

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