Valentine's Day [Scarian]

434 16 24

Happy Valentine's Day :D

Let's just pretend that this isn't a day late and go on with it, alright? 

Anyways, enjoy some Scarian requested  by   @pog_pansexual_person

[Thanks once again for the prompt, I can't appreciate you well enough :D]

WC: 873

TW: singleness, loneliness, panic


Scar woke up, feeling quite positive. Why, you might ask. Well, he wasn't quite sure himself, but he just had a good feeling for this day. Anyways, he got up and got dressed. Pulling his shirt on, he looked at the calendar hanging on his wall, and something bold red caught his eye.

It was Valentine's Day! How could he forget? He doesn't even have a Valentine yet. Well, he could get one, but he was just too scared to ask Grian out. Grian was so handsome, hardworking, and overall just, awesome. Well, more than awesome, but Scar couldn't think of the proper word. More like, dashing, amazing, great, underrated? Scar's brain had become a jumbled-up mess trying to just describe Grian. He was just too good for him.

Scar tried to wipe Grian from his mind, and only managed to get the stubborn image of him pushed to the side. He decided that today, instead of getting Grian to be his Valentine, he should at least hang out with him if he could. Grian is a busy man, so Scar went back and forth on his decision a couple of times. Eventually, he decided it wouldn't hurt to ask. He pulled out his communicator and privately chatted with Grian.

Scar and Grian

GoodTimesWithScar: hey, i know its valentimes day, but i wanted to hang out with you.

GoodTimesWithScar: if you already have a valentimes its fine, but i just wanted to know if you were free today.

Grian: Hey Scar! I'm free today, I suppose you don't have a valentine either. I can come over if you want.

GoodTimesWithScar: yeah, to be honest, im a but sad that i dont have a valentine, but it would be nice for you to come over.

Grian: Okay, I'm on my way :)

Okay, so Grian is coming over. Oh, wait, now what do I do? He looked around his base for a bit and realized that it was a bit of a mess. He had his blueprint for a future build on his desk, the cups were still in his sink, and the couch was just a mess with all the blankets, pillows, and a Jellie on it.

Scar quickly and cautiously put his blueprints in his desk, and he heard Grian's signature knock on his door. Three quick taps and two slower ones, Grian had developed a habit of knocking only in this way, and Scar found it cute.

Forgetting the mess in his base, he went over to the door and opened it for Grian. He was looking as good as always, his strawberry blond hair messy in an attractive way, his eyes shining with happiness, and his smile as broad and daylight plastered on his face. He was wearing his usual red sweater and his wings were fluttering with excitement.

The appearance of this man made Scar's brain fumble to gain control for another second before comprehending the current situation.

"Hi, Scar! How are you doing?" Grian asked, his voice as bright as the sun.

"Oh, hi Grian! I'm doing great, how about you come in?" Scar got out, internally slapping himself for standing outside.

"Ok!" Grian walked inside and immediately saw Jellie on the couch with many blankets plus pillows. Scar closed the door behind them and followed Grian's gaze over to the couch.

"Oh, sorry I didn't have much time to clean up."

"It's fine, the couch is comfier this way anyways." Grian smiled. He walked over to the couch and plopped down on the massive amount of fluffy stuff, and reached over to Jellie. "Hey, Jellie." At this point, Scar could no longer hold his smile and had a grin on his face.

Grian looked over to where Scar was standing and caught him staring. Scar's face turned red as a beetroot and immediately looked away towards his kitchen, only reminding him of the dirty cups in the sink. He looked back at Grian, not wanting to be mocked by his dirty dishes.

Grian patted the blanket next to him, and Scar sat down. "So, how are you doing Grian?"

"Nothing much really, just working on my base and restocking. Figured I might as well take a break," Grian said, subconsciously leaning towards Scar.

While Grian didn't think much of this action, Scar, on the other hand, overthought it. Does this mean he likes me? No, he just wants to be closer friends right? That's probably it, Scar you're probably the only one lovesick for him. These thoughts flew around in Scar's head, and Grian continued going on about his day.

"Who knew restocking the Entity would be so hard? It's such a small shot as well, compared to Impluse's IBuy."

Scar nodded along, admiring Grian as he rambled on about his work. Grian stroked Jellie and coaxed her onto his lap while his head leaned on Scar's shoulder. Grian stopped to take a breath and his hand brushed Scar's, making the both of them blush a bit.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, should I get off you?" Grian asked, only now realizing that he was on Scar's shoulder. 

"No no, it's fine, I like it that way."

That was pretty much how they spent their Valentine's Day. 

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