Kai Kai Crazy Exciting Night

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Module Name: Kai Kai Crazy Exciting Night

Real Name: Chile Weisshart

Nickname(s): Exciting

Date Of Birth: February 13, 1991

Age: 33

Sexuality: Straight

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Chinese Zodiac Animal: Horse

Designer: Akiyoshi

Known Relationships/Family:

Kimberlyn Verdile/Kaito 15th Anniversary Luka (girlfriend) (February 21, 2023)

Occupation: Unknown

Specific Song: Kai Kai Crazy Exciting Night

Song Producer: Kid-P

Specific Song Anniversary: February 13, 2021

Fun Facts:

- Chile feels as though he has not lived his life the way he wanted to. In his childhood, he never liked going to school, and got poor grades. Now he wishes he worked harder.

- The hardest part of his life was during his teenage years, when everything seemed to be going downhill for him. He felt like everyone around him was putting pressure on him, and that he was unable to do anything he wanted. In the present day, although things are different, he doesn't have much to look forward to.

Here's the specific song:

See you guys in the next chapter!

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