Chapter 2

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Ivanna walked inside the Mystic falls high school in her favorite summer dress with her sunglasses humming her favorite song while sipping her favorite milkshake. The cold milkshake helped her with the hangover from partying like a wild animal last night with her new soulmate and boyfriend. She decided to spoil Enzo with booze and his favorite foods as a welcome gift and by the end of the night both of them were pretty drunk. Enzo was lucky enough to escape from the brain spitting pain, thanks to his vampire genes. But she was not lucky enough and the moment she woke up she wanted to slap herself for drinking all those bottles of alcohols without thinking about the consequences. Enzo even offered his blood, but she refused as she is not ready to become a vampire anytime soon by dying accidently with his blood in her system. She would love to become a vampire one day given the fact now her soulmate is immortal, but she still has lot to do with her powers, so she is not going to take the risk of losing her powers.

As she entered the room where she can find the infamous original hybrid, she was not surprised to find the room in complete chaos. Everyone turned to look at her the moment she entered the room hearing her humming and Klaus was really surprised at the way she casually walked towards them.

''Hey stef. How are you buddy?'' Ivanna asked with a genuine smile seeing her best friend after month.

''Iva, please get out of here. It's not the right time'' Stefan warned his friend to keep her safe from Klaus. The younger Salvatore knew Klaus will try to use her for his personal gain if he finds out about her powers.

''I will be fine bunny. chill'' Ivanna assured the Salvatore and before the he could replay, Klaus decided to interrupt.

''And who are you love?''

''The name is Ivanna Lockwood and its nice meeting the infamous hybrid in person finally''

''So you do know who I am? Then why are you not running scared to save your life?'' Klaus's amusement was clear in his voice.

''It's because you didn't give me a reason to be scared of you, yet. You may be a psycho killer but at the end of the day you can turn into a wolf which makes you adorable and cute. Since I am an animal lover, I only see you as this huge, adorable puppy at the moment and it's hard to be scared of you when the chances of me giving you belly rubs are high''

Rebekah who was silently observing the weird conversation between her brother and the stranger laughed loudly seeing the outrageous look on her brother's face at her last words. Klaus looked so offended by Iva's words and Rebekah already claimed her as her new best friend.

''Oh my god. I already like her'' Ivanna winked at the original blond with a big smile.

''I like you too Rebekah. Just so you know I winked at you if you are unable to see it behind these glasses'' Her words made Klaus chuckle and wondered where this adorable creature was all these days.

''Man you have dimples too. Its official, you are my favorite wolfie from now'' Ivanna smiled poking his dimples and Rebekah just doubled over with laugher.

''IVANNA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! HE IS THE ENEMY. HE IS TRYING TO KILL US ALL.'' Ivanna groaned in pain from the annoying gilberts loud voice and felt like slapping her unconscious just to keep her quiet.

Her friends, Caroline, Tyler, Bonnie who were confused by her friendly conversation with klaus decided to keep quiet as they realized the older Lockwood is suffering from handover as she wore sunglasses indoors only when the headache becomes unbearable. And the woman is scarier than Klaus when she is experiencing a hangover and decided to keep quiet and save themself from her wrath. They are equally scared for her safety as well, but they also know she can take down Klaus if she wants and decided to let her do whatever she wants.

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