Chapter 4

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Ivanna punched the bonnet of her car in frustration. When she left her house after returning from the boarding house to attend an emergency business meeting in one of her clients office, she did not plan to find herself stranded in the middle of the road at 12.30 in the night with two punctured tires of her baby car. The moment she heard her tires tearing, she cursed her fate and when she came out of the car, she found a many sharp strong nails scattered around the road and a huge broken nail box on the side. It looked like someone idiot driver carrying the loads of nails dropped a box from the truck carelessly and she is paying the price now. She was decided to call Damon or Enzo for help but decided against it remembering they had plans for the night. Damon is trying to mend their broken bond and she is not going to spoil it. Her other friends had school the next day and they must be asleep already. She finally tried calling Alaric, but his number was unreachable. She decided to wait for 10 more minutes for any vehicle to get a left and if she is not successful she is calling Damon.

She is not scared of any perverts since she is capable enough of handling them even without her powers. Her fathers taught her to left self to protect her and she owns a licenced gun, which she always carried in her purse. The only thing she is scared of at the moment is the bloody cold climate which is trying to freeze her and the thin satin office outfit she chose to wear today is not helping her condition.

''That's it. I had enough. I am calling Damon. Damn his reunion plans. He had an entire eternity to unite with his bestie anyway'' Ivanna thought before scrolling through his contacts. As she was about to call him, she saw a car coming in her direction stopping near her.

As the window of the driver's side rolled down she found a familiar face looking at her with concern and Ivanna thanked her stars for sending her savior for the night.

''Miss. Lockwood, what are you doing here alone at his hour? Are you alright?'' Elijah voiced out his concern looking around the empty road before looking at her body for any injuries. Once he made sure she is physically fine, he removed his coat and wrapped it around her shoulder and Ivanna held it closer sighing from the warmth and comfort it provided to her cold body.

''I am fine Elijah, my tires were punctured by some stray nails on the road and please call me Ivanna'' Elijah's body relaxed at her answer realizing she is not in any danger.

''Come on. I will drop you home. I will ask one of my staffs to repair the tires and drop it home tomorrow''

''I would love that. I am already freezing and damn hungry as I skipped my dinner because of this stupid meeting. Thank you Elijah'' Ivanna sat inside his car taking her laptop bag with her and locking her car.

''If you don't mind can I get you some dinner before I drop you home. I will ask our chiefs to prepare something quick'' Elijah asked starting the car.

''It's okay Elijah, I can order something once I reach home. I don't want to impose''

''Come on Ivanna, don't be a stranger after everything you have done for my family . I am sure Niklaus would love your company. I want to thank you properly for this morning as well'' Elijah insisted.

''Fine. I will have the dinner'' Ivanna agreed unable ignore his request. How can I say no to that perfect face, damn it?! No, Ivanna, stop. stop thinking about Elijah's perfect face when you have soulmate now. He may be hot but he is not your soulmate.

''Great, I will text my brother'' Elijah slowed down the car, texted Klaus about the plans.

''So, how did the reunion with your siblings go? I hope Klaus is still in one piece'' Ivanna asked once Elijah kept his phone back in his coat pocket. Elijah who was driving the car looked at her sharply at her question. For such a young woman, she seems to posses immense knowledge about their past and future , her knowledge about his family didn't sit well the man in the suits. When his younger brother undaggered him yesterday and informed about Ivanna, Elijah at first didn't believe Klaus. His brother thought Ivanna is a seer because of her visions of the past and future, but Elijah knew better. Seers became extinct long ago and there is no chance a seer would help anyone without expecting something in return. So, Elijah ruled out his brother's theory about Ivanna being a seer immediately and the mystery about what exactly she is rattled him. She may be trying to help his family out of her good heart, but a man who dedicated his entire life to protect his family is not going to trust her that easily. Her intentions and actions looked too good to be true and Elijah will not completely trust her till he is sure about her intentions with his siblings.

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