Chapter 6

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Damon rolled his eyes with a scowl standing near the bar sipping his favorite Burbon in the Mikaelson's mansion in his three-piece suit Ivana forced him to wear for the ball. Jenna, his date for the ball, was amused to see the possessiveness and irritation in his blue eyes and for the first time since she met the sarcastic Salvatore, she can see how much he cares about Ivana.

Jenna understood that there is more to the blue eyed Salvatore than the" I don't care" attitude he carried with him. But the concern behind his irritation seeing Ivana tossed between the Mikaelson brothers on the dance floor,made Jenna realize Damon is irritated as he is genuinely worried about Ivanna and it's not just because of his ego which was bruised seeing his best friend laughing and smiling in the arms of Mikaelson men.

''She is a grown up adult and a powerful witch Damon. She can take care of herself. So stop trying to burn Elijah with your glare'' Jenna chuckled as Damon scoffed as Elijah gently snatched Ivana from Kol's arms who was making Ivana laugh like no tomorrow from the moment he snatched her from Enzo's arms.

''She maybe a grown-up adult but that idiot woman has a soft spot for assholes and that's going to get her killed one day. I get she wants to help the Mikaelsons because they have both mommy and daddy issues, but she doesn't have to get so cozy with them'' Damon almost sneered as the bourbon burned his throat.

''Why Damon? Are you scared one of the handsome Mikaelsons will steal your title of her best friend with their charms?'' Enzo smirked taking a glass of whiskey from the bar counter.

''Scared my foot! I am worried she will become crazier than already is because of the diabolical siblings. Shouldn't you be scaring ever male that even breaths in her direction in the first place. Why are you not bothered by YOUR soulmate laughing in other guys arms?!'' Enzo almost laughed seeing how Damon was about to throw hands and pounce on someone because of the frustration.

''It's because I am not a crazy possessive manic like you and I trust her to take care of herself. I know you are scared you will lose your best friend card Damon, but chill. Iva knows what she is doing, and you just have to trust her to do what she is best at. Saving those whom the world deemed unworthy of saving'' At Enzo's final words Damon's irritation was replaced by understanding and even a sense of heart ache.

As much as he wanted to argue with Enzo, Damon knew his former cell mate is right and he can relate to his words more than anyone. His initial days back in mystic falls was actually a roller-coaster ride for him from the moment he met Ivana. Damon who came to town with the sole purpose of freeing Katherine from the tomb and to make his little brother's a living hell, found a bond so beautiful and healing in the Lockwood witch.  After being at the receiving end of her unconditional love turned him into a decent person and not the heartless asshole he was a year back, he knew anyone who is worthy enough to be saved in her eyes deserve a second change. She gave him the love which he was deprived from him childhood and sometime Damon wished he could wrap her in a bubble and carry her away from all the dangers that luring in the shadows. 

He may sound like a crazy person when it comes to Ivanna and her safety, but after finding the person who genuinely loved him the way he is, Damon is not ready to lose her anytime soon. Apart from Stefan, she is the only person he loved with everything he has. Ivana and he may not share the same blood, but she is a family to him and after finding a family in her after roaming on this planet for so long, he is not going to let anyone snatch her from him again.

''I do trust her and believe in what she is trying to do Enzo. But I am not going to blindly trust the Mikaelsons with her. They are murderous psychos and I just want her to stay away from them once she is done helping them. As much as she wants to believe there is something good in Mikaelsons, they are nothing but monsters at the end of the day and I am not ready to see her getting killed just because she is stupid and naive'' Enzo's hold on the glass got tight the moment Damon called his Ivanna stupid and naive. He understood Damon is concerned about her and he is glad Ivana is loved by so many people in this town. But he will not tolerate anyone talking about her like this even out of concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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