Chapter 5

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Rebekah who walked out of the Mystic falls high school along with her younger brother cursed Klaus under her breath for putting her through the torture of spend her days with these teenagers just to keep his blood bag safe. Ever second from the moment she entered her class she became more and more annoyed with each passing second because of the annoying teenagers and if it's not for Elijah's warning not to hurt anyone in the school, she would have ripped couple of hearts out before the final period. Unlike her, Kol actually seemed to enjoy the school and the kids, may be due to the fact he was sleeping in the box for couple hundred years, he even flirted with couple of hot looking girls in the corridor and managed to get their number with his charming smile and words. The female mikaelson actually felt bad for those girl as she knew they are going to become Kol's blood bag sooner or later. As much as Rebekah liked the male attention she is getting, she cannot dream of finding love or friendship in these teenagers when Elena and her judgmental eyes were following her like a hawk most of the time. Surprisingly Caroline and Bonnie were more welcoming than she expected and the blond even complemented her shoes during the lunch break. The bennet witch though looked a bit hostile towards the younger Mikaelsons, gave them a small yet genuine smile when Caroline talked with them before joining her friends for lunch. Their genuine gesture made Rebekah's day a bit easy and she decided to thank Ivanna later. Elijah informed everything that transpired between the scooby gang and her family, about her burning the bridge and everything that happened the night before and the original blond was grateful for the Lockwood's help. But what made her Rebekah's favorite was the fact Ivanna kicked her arrogant brother's ass. She was relived to know there is at least one woman out there who is not falling for Kol's charms and she enjoyed rubbing it on his face the whole day.

As she entered the parking she found a familiar figure talking with the younger lockwood and gilbert sitting on the hood of her car and Rebekah decided to join her.

''Hey Kol, mind saying hi to your new bestie?'' Rebekah smirked at Kol pointing towards Ivanna who was now laughing at something Tyler said.

''Hell no. The witch is a bad news and I am not going anyway near her'' Rebekah laughed loud at his scowl enjoying the discomfort on her brother's face. Looks like the girl really did a number on his ego, Rebekah the next moment started dragging him towards Ivanna ignoring his curses and protest.

Ivanna was actually happy seeing her cousin adapting to his vampire side more easily than she expected. When Tyler decided to change, she was actually worried about his equation with Klaus and the sire bond. But she actually went speechless for a minute or two on learning that Klaus never used the sire bond on Tyler and is treating his more like a companion than a soldier. This unexpected change in Klaus's action assured her she is doing the right thing by helping him. In his long exhausting life, Klaus only needed someone to understand him and his demons. The constant abandonment and hate he received from the people turned him into the man he was in the initial seasons of the vampire dairies.

Till Hope was born and Cami entered his life, no one expect Elijah tried to see the abused and the love deprived boy behind the merciless mask he wore to keep his wounded heart safe. Caroline of course was an exception and saw the good in him way before anyone else did. But she did not stick around to help him to come over his demons and Ivanna never blamed Caroline for not trying more with Klaus. It is not her job to help Klaus and after everything he put her friends through she was not surprised when Caroline and Klaus never become anything more than a crush and a hot sex in the forest. They had enough bad blood between them to become a couple. Klaus tormented and tried to kill almost all of her friends and Caroline too helped Elena multiple times with her plan to kill the originals. So, Ivanna knew Klaus and Caroline would have never had their happily ever after even if they tried as a part of caroline would have stayed loyal to Elena no more what happened. It is one of the many reason Ivanna never liked Klaroline as a couple and loved Klamille over Klaroline. She would fight anyone to prove her point. Cami is the one who understood Klaus and helped him to fight his demons. The brave bartender not only touched klaus's heart like no one else ever done before, but also earned the love and respect of almost in the mikaelson family. Her unfair death broke Ivanna's heart and she remembered how she ended up crying buckets at Cami's last moments.

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