Chapter 3

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The chapter contains smut.

Ivanna was surprised by everything that happened once she came out of her bathroom after taking a bath once she returned home from Damon's house. First, she found a beautiful blue half shoulder gown placed on her bed for evening, then once she got ready and met Enzo in the living room, he gifted her a beautiful bracelet studded with Amethyst and infinity symbol. Then he bought her to her favorite restaurant, and she was surprised yet again when she found the entire restaurant empty. It looked like her soulmate when beyond his ways to make their first date memorable. She wondered how he managed to do all this since he didn't have any money with him yet and he didn't seem like the type of vampire who would compel everyone to do what he wanted. As much as she wanted to fire questions at her soulmate, she decided to enjoy the night and save her curiosity for later.

Both of the enjoyed the dinner eating their favorite dishes and with lighthearted conversations. The talked about anything and everything. Enzo shared his memories of his human days, while Ivanna talked about the fun she had with her family and friends. They shared about their hobbies, like, dislikes, favorite holiday destination and many other things. Ivanna made Enzo try new dishes of the century and the man looked like a child when she feed him her favorite ice-cream once they finished their meal.

When Ivanna thought she had enough surprises for the night, she heard the beautiful piano melody echoing around them as Enzo stood up from his chair and bow infront of her offering his hand for a dance.

When Ivanna thought she had enough surprises for the night, she heard the beautiful piano melody echoing around them as Enzo stood up from his chair and bow infront of her offering his hand for a dance

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As she stood up holding his hand, Enzo started to sway her to the soft melody. She felt protected in his arms and the desired held in his brown eyes sent shivers down her spine. Ivanna leaned on his chest, closing her eyes, enjoying the peaceful moment as Enzo placed a kiss on the top of her head. The pair found peace and happiness silently in each other's presence and Ivanna decided this is one of the best days of her life.

When the tunes finally faded into silence Enzo pushed her away from his arms gently caressing her cheeks softly as the serenity he found in her presence felt like a dream. A dream from which he never wanted to wake up.

''Thank you for giving me this night Iva. I lost the hope of living such a peaceful day a long back'' Enzo's words tugged Ivanna's heartstrings.

''You don't have to thank me for anything Enzo. You deserve the world for your kind and beautiful heart.'' Ivanna said before pulling Enzo into a kiss.

As soon as her lips touched his, Enzo felt every cell in his body coming alive, he kissed her back pushing her back on the table. Ivanna felt the desires pooling inside as his hands started caressing her thighs pushing her dress up and she was glad the restaurant was empty. As his hand came dangerously close to her lace thong, she gently pushed Enzo back softly making him groan in disappointment.

''As much as I want to continue this, I don't want to lose my virginity in a restaurant. Let's continue this on my soft bed shall we?'' Ivanna panted slightly from the kiss resting her forehead on his. Enzo who was pouting slightly when she pushed him back looked at her shock at the revelation of her virginity.

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