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Blake's Pov

*Last day with Morgan*

Today is the last day here in Tennessee, and honestly I don't really wanna go home. I've had fun being here and hanging out with Morgan. Hardy and I haven't really talked since that day at the creek.  I have been to upset to even look at him. Plus he really hasn't been here since then. He has been going back and forth from Nashville and here. Morgan has gone with him a couple times, but he has been with me most of the time. I feel bad since this was suppose to be about him and Hardy, but apparently Hardy is seeing a new girl that lives there. 

Which kinda hurts but he made his choice. He hurt me and hasn't done anything to try and fix it. I can't believe I have to ride home with him tomorrow. Maybe I can get my mom to come get me tonight before I have to get in the truck with him. Or I can get an airplane ticket. 

"Hey honey, how you feeling?" Morgan asked as I walked into the kitchen. "I'm okay. Just dreading this trip home tomorrow. I don't want to sit in a truck with him for 12 hours. I think I'm fixing to call my mom to come get me." I said while sitting down at the table. 

"Awe Blake, don't be like that. You don't need to call your mom. If you're really uncomfortable with idea, I could take you home." He said as he placed a plate in front of me  filled with eggs, sausage, and pancakes. This man is the whole package, I swear.

" No I couldn't let you do that. That's not fair to you to drive all that way to just drop me off and turn back around. That's a whole day in a truck for you." I said before I started eating. 

He smiled at me, "Baby girl, let me drive you home. You're not comfortable with being alone with him. I can take you. Trust me. I got buddies down in Philly that's not just Hardy. I can go to one of their houses for the night and see you before I leave back out." He said. 

I blushed. This man really does care for me. He would drive 12 hour to drop me off and won't see me again for a while. "Are you sure you'll be okay with that?  I don't want to bother you with driving all that way." I said as I go to put our plates in the sink and started cleaning up.

He walks over to the sink where I am at and spins me around to look at him. He holds me by my waist. His face is very close to mine and says, "Blake you are not going to bother me. I will do anything for you to feel safe and comfortable." 

I blushed as he said that. No guy but Hardy made me feel this way. Morgan pushed some of the hair out of my face and looked at me in the eyes. My blue eyes stared back in his blue eyes, they were so pretty. I watch his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes again, he did this a couple more times before he spoke. 

"Blake. Can I kiss you?" He asked. He was still looking in my eyes when I told him yes. He was slow and hesitant at first, but his lips finally touched mine and my body was full of chills. His lips on mine felt like they belong together. I never felt this before when kissing someone. Is he feeling the same way?

He pulled back and rested his forehead on mine, "You are so beautiful Blake." I blushed. I couldn't believe that just happened. 

*door slams shut*

We both jumped away from each other and looked at the door to see Hardy standing there. 

"What the hell yall doing?" He says as he just stands there staring. I'm pretty sure he saw us kiss, but why does he care? 

"Nothin dude. I'm fixing to get dressed for the day." Morgan said before he walked up the stairs. 

"Blake why are you kissing him?" Hardy questioned. What the hell, is he my father now? 

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