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Blake's pov

'Why? Because I love you. Because I fucked up and I want to own up to it. I made a mistake and I promised you that I would do everything in my power to make it up to you. Till my dying breath Blakely Moore, I will love you. So if I have to scream on live tv how much I love you for you to forgive me I will. I will secernate you with every song I know.'

My heart flutter every single time I read it. I've been reading it for the past 20 minutes. I don't know what to say back. It makes me want to run back to him, but a part of me isn't buying what he is selling. 

*Ring Ring*

Hardy is Facetiming me. I know he's with Morgan right now, so do I answer? 

"Answer or he's going to call me and I will." Cal said. I forgot she was there. 

"Yeah, okay." I said before answering. 

'Blake! What are you doing?' 

'Currently having a sleepover with your girlfriend.' I showed him Cal. 

'Hey baby. I forgot you were going over there tonight.' 

She giggled 'It's alright. What are yall up to?' 

'Oh currently trying to cheer Morgan up since someone has left him on read.'

I blushed. Was he around?

'Ooh. Well where is he?' Cal spoke. 

'Hey Morgan come here.' 


'Hey man what's- Blakely?' He said when he saw I was on the phone. 

I didn't speak, I just stood there looking at him. I really did miss him. 

'Blake how-' I hung up. 

"Blake! Why did you hang up on him?" Cal screamed at me. 

"I don't know. I got nervous. I didn't know what else to do." I said. 

My phone started ringing again and this time it was Morgan. 

"Blake I swear to go you better talk to him." She sternly said.

"Okay okay. I'm answering." I said. 


'Hey Blake.'

'Umm.. What's up?'

Why am I doing this? I looked over to se Cal grinning from ear to ear. 

'Oh um nothing. I just wanted to talk to you, but I can hang up since you hung up on me a while ago.' 

'Oh no, it's alright. I just got nervous.' 

I could hear the smirk growing on his face. 

'Oh? I make you nervous?'

'I'm going to hang up again' 

He chuckled. 

'I will come down there and.... never mind. Not going to say that.' 

'Mhmm. Soooo. Umm you did really good on the voice. I'm proud of you.' 

'Thank you love, that means a lot. I'm surprised you even watched if I'm honest.' 

'Honestly I wasn't going to, but you can thank Cal and Hardy for it.' 

'Well I guess I will have to thank them. I've missed you a lot Blakely. And I understand if you don't want to talk to me or give me another chance. I just wanted to hear you voice, and I want let everything off my chest.' 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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