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Morgan stayed a couple more hours before leaving to Hardy's place. God how could Michael ask me to prom then try to kiss me. After everything he did to me, he thought that would make it up to me? 

God men are stupid.

I wonder if Morgan is going to come back and see me before he leaves out again? 

Probably not. 

He's probably going to stay with him for the rest of the weekend. I shouldn't be worried about it, it's not like were dating or anything. But then again I did call him my boyfriend in front of Michael. 

Hopefully that didn't weird him out or anything. I mean he did come see me before seeing him. I'm just overthinking things...again. 


I left Blake's house and drove over to Hardy's house. I know he was fuming by the way he left the her house. I could understand how he would be feeling, but Blake called me her boyfriend. I was over the moon about it. I really do adore her, I have since that day Hardy Face-timed  her at my house this summer. 

I got out of my truck when I saw Hardy sitting on the stair that led up to the porch. 

"Hey man." I said softly as I cautiously walked up to him. 

"Are yall really dating?" He questioned, looking up at me. 

"No man. I like her a lot but I haven't asked her out. She said that to get you to go away." I told him. 

He huffed, "Why her Morgan? You could have every girl, why did you chose mine?" 

I looked at him in shock. I knew he liked her but I didn't think he thought like that. 

 "Hardy. I didn't mean to catch feeling for her. It just happened and I never meant for it to happen man." I stated. It was the truth, I never had any intention to pursue her until I laid eyes on her. She made me feel things I didn't know were feelings, just the things you see in a romance movie. 

"Morgan. I hate to be this way, but you're gonna have to chose between her or me. I can't do this with yall. It's either our friendship, or her." He said, getting up and walking inside. 

I just stood there, speechless.  Why would make me decided something like that? I don't want to pick between her or my best friend. 

I huffed and followed him inside. I didn't want to upset him even more by leaving and going back to her. 

"Look man, why don't you and I do something tonight? Maybe a party?" I said to him as I walked to his room. He looked at me then looked at his phone. 

"Yeah that would be cool. There's a couple tonight so we can party hop? " He said before continuing to play on his phone.

"You mind if I ask Blake to come? If not it'c cool, but maybe we can try to hangout like we were suppose to spring break?" I said, trying not to set him off after what he sad before.  

He hesitated for a moment.  "Alright fine, but she's going to show up just because of you man." He said before he trying to text.  

I texted her about our plan and she said she'd think about it, but she really doesn't want to be around Hardy.  I told her she doesn't have to come but it would make me happy if she would try. 

"She said she might come, she doesn't know yet. She honestly doesn't want to be around you." I told him. 

He sighed, "I figured. Man I just miss her. I don't know what else to do." 

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