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Hardy's pov

We were sitting by the fire that Blakely made, going down memory lane when I brought up the time Blake went to hospital because she was so clumsy that she fell down the stairs at 6 years old. 

"Blake do you remember when you fell down the stairs and knocking over your mom on the way down?" I asked looking over at her. She froze like a deer in headlights.

She cleared her throat before replying, "Umm yeah I think so. Also remember you on my hospital bed crying because you thought that I was dying." 

Before I could say something else, she excused herself before running inside. 

"Hey man what was that all about?" Morgan asked looking as concerned as I was. 

"I don't know man. Maybe I hit a nerve. She doesn't really like talking about that period of time, since her dad left when she was eight." I shrugged. 

He nodded his head and laid back down on the ground. We continued to talk about anything and everything while we waited for Blake to show back up. 

"So man. You're really going through with audition?" I asked curious. I know we've been talking about it for a while but never thought he would get the courage to do it. 

"Yeah man. I really think I can get far by doing this. Plus if I win, I'll be famous and could actually do right by my mama and my future wife and kids." He said. 

"Who do you think will be your future wife? Blakely?" I questioned. I used to think the same way about her. Having a backyard wedding with all of our family being there, and honeymooning down in Florida since that's her favorite place to be. Then having a big house on 80 acres with 3 kids running around without a care in the world, just me and her. But know that I have fucked everything up, I have to look at a different future instead of the what ifs. 

"I don't know man, if I'm being honest hopefully but you never know how the future will be. All I can say is that I hope I'm everything that she's ever wanted but I know I have a good chance on fucking everything up. And I don't wan-"He paused in his rambling before looking around. "Where the hell is Blake?" 

I shot up before running back to the house with Morgan.  We yelled out for her down the trail incase she fell or couldn't see since she has night blindness. We made it all the way to the house and came to a stop. The back door is still opened, normally she shuts it. 

"C'mon let's see if she's in there before thinking the worst." Morgan said before running into the house. I quickly followed him and ran up the stairs while he checked down stairs.

"Blake? Where are you?" I yelled through the house. I checked her room and the bathroom that connects to her but the wasn't in there. I walked down the hall to the guest room, nothing. 

"She's not down here Hardy." Morgan yelled as he started walking up the stairs. 

I met him at the stairs and told him she wasn't in her room or the guest room. "There's three rooms left. Her mom's room, the other bathroom, and the office. She has to be in one of those." I said while pointing down the hall. 

"Okay you check her mom's room and I'll check the office and we will go from there." Morgan said before walking down the hall to the office.

I walked into Ms. Moore room before pausing at the door. 'I really don't want to do this.' I said before slowing walking into the room. 

"Blake? Are you in here?" I said softly while I continued to walk further into the room. I looked in the closet and the bathroom that attached to the room before hearing Morgan call out for me. 

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