Chapter 24: Sides

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Pov y/n

"So, you're gonna give up?" Steve asks a little baffled by Tony's words. Tony comes back to us, setting his coffee on the counter beforehand.

"I'm not giving up, Steve." He disagrees but Steve shakes his head.

"You are because if we sign this, we don't take the responsibilities for our actions, the document simply shifts the blame." He points out and Tony huffs a little. Rhodey almost looks offended and I tune their words out, looking at Wanda and giving her hand a little squeeze. She looks at me, her eyes focusing on me and I can tell she was zoning out before but still listening to what's happening.

Are you okay? I ask her in my mind, hoping she picks up on it. It takes a few seconds, before she seems to understand what I have planned.

I don't know. Hearing Tony speak about just brought back some memories.
He made it sound as if I didn't lose my home, even though I was locked in a Hydra base since I was like eleven or twelve or so, it is still my home. She answers and I feel sad for her, that she didn't get to experience freedom.

But she is right, she lost a lot too and that doesn't seem to be considered when spoken about this. I don't really know what to respond to this, so I just squeeze her hand a little and she gives me a sad smile.

Do you side with someone? I ask her and she glances around the room, looking between Tony and Steve before shrugging a bit.

I don't know. I can understand both sides, honestly. Both have valid points. She answers and I nod, that's true.
Both have good points but I am definitely on Steve's side about this.

But since I am not an Avenger, I am not really part of this and the others have to make their decisions. I kinda hate that I'm not part of this but I am also kinda glad about it because I have no idea, how this will turn out.

I am a little scared though. She admits and I look at her worried.

The world is afraid of me at the moment, they see me as a monster or something like that. I can't judge them for that because I understand it and kinda agree. But if the UN decides that I am too much of a threat for people...what if they lock me up, y/n? She asks and fear shows in her eyes.

I promise you, they won't lock you up. I will keep you safe and protected. Nothing will happen to you as long as I live. I promise and her eyes soften a little and she lifts our intertwined hands to kiss the back of mine, giving me little butterflies. I smile reassuringly at her.

We are pulled out of our silent conversation by Tony huffing loudly and shaking his head dismissively.

"When I learned, that the weapons I produced got into the hands of bad people, I stopped the production." He points out and Steve puts the accords on the coffee table between all of us.

"Yes, because you were able to make that choice. They will take that ability from us if we agree to this. We won't be able to choose anymore. We can't decide where we want to go or where we don't want to go. It's not our choice anymore then. They can send us on any kind of mission, no matter if it clashes with our views and morals or not. Y/n already pointed that out and I agree with her 100%." Steve holds against it, gesturing towards me and I am a little proud, that I made such a valid point in this.

Not that I doubt my views or opinions but having Steve agree with me, is kinda huge.

"If we're being honest, that will happen either way. Sooner or later they will restrict us and I prefer to let it happen now because now we can still have a little say in this. We can come to an agreement peacefully. Later on, they might not send someone here to give us the accords, they more than likely send someone to make sure, we know to stop fighting it." Tony says, his voice laced with a bit of annoyance and she leans against the armrest of the couch he is standing next to.

"I agree with Tony. We made some very public mistake and people start to lose hope in us. We need to win their trust back and the sooner we do that, the better it is." Mom says and I look dumbfounded at her, not expecting her to agree with Tony.
How can she agree with being tied down?
Tony seems to be just as surprised as I am.

"What was that? You agree with me?" He asks a little teasingly and leans over the armrest a little.

"Oh, I wanna take it back." Mom says, more to tease him than really meaning it. Tony points at her.

"No take backs, you agreed with me." He says a little triumphantly and Mom playfully rolls her eyes at him.
I am still shocked that she agrees to signing the accords, having a completely different view on this than I do.
I notice Steve looking at his phone and frowning a little, his mood seeming to shift quickly.

"I have to go." He says and gets up.
"Case closed, I win." Tony claims but Steve doesn't say anything else, he just leaves the room, looking at his phone. I wonder what that's about.

"You didn't win anything." Sam disagrees and Tony shoots him a short look.

"I clearly did, he just got up and left, not having another argument." Tony says, pointing to where Steve left the room.

"You can't win in this, Tony." Sam says, making Tony roll his eyes.
"You can't make us sign the accords if we don't want to."

Sam is right, everyone has to decide for themselves if they want to sign them or not.
Sure, Tony can try to convince them but he can't make them. So, the question now is, who will sign them and who won't. Steve's answer is obvious, he won't sign them, no matter how many arguments Tony brings.

"So, I'm guessing you won't sign then?" Tony asks Sam and he crosses his arms.
"I won't." Sam confirms and Tony nods, looking over to Rhodey.

"I think, the UN isn't wrong and with over 100 countries having signed these, it's the best if we listen to them." He says, taking a few steps over towards Tony. Tony's eyes dart to Vision, who nods.

"Following my equation, it is best if we sign the accords, reducing the number of world-threatening events and chaos." He says and I roll my eyes when he talks about his equation.
Tony's eyes dart to Wanda, who is a little tense, this whole discussion clearly making her feel a little uneasy.

"I'm not sure but I don't want the governments to be able to control me." She says, rather silently but it's enough for Tony to hear.
Right, from her point of view, the accords maybe sound a little like what Hydra, probably, did to her.
Restrains that she doesn't have a say in, feeling like she's locked away and not able to make her own decisions.

Tony finally looks at Mom, showing me that I don't have to make a decision and I'm not sure if I'm glad about it or if I feel like I'm not part of the team.
Well, technically I am not, I'm just in the training program and I didn't go on any missions, so...
And none of the chaos that was caused came from my hands and I also doubt that the governments know about me being in the training program.

"I will sign the accords. I think we risk more if we don't and maybe it's time to be under overwatch for a while. Just until people know they can trust us again. If we don't want them to give up on the thought of having people who can save them, we need to show them that we don't act arbitrarily." She says and I gape a little at her.
How can she sign those accords?
They want to take away the ability to decide what and who we want to fight for.

We give up control to people who have no experience with 'people like us'.
The Avengers are no military unit to control.
I shake my head a little, not wanting to believe this but I can't tell her what to do, she's a grown up. If she wants to sign those accords, then she should but I won't agree with her on this, no matter what arguments she has.
But maybe it's okay to have different opinions on this, it won't rip us apart.

A/n: Everyone made their decision...

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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