Chapter 36: Fire

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Pov y/n

The groceries arrive a day later and Wanda and I spend a few minutes putting them away before thinking about what to have for lunch or dinner. She tells me about a new pasta sauce she wants to try and I agree, excited to try it.

The day is calm but now that I know, that we are kept here, I start to feel a little captive. Until now it didn't really bother me and it was more like a little vacation but now it just feels cooped up.

We manage through the day but I can tell, that Wanda feels a similar way as I do towards this whole 'not being allowed to leave the compound' thing. The thought of being a monster for other people seems to have faded though, which I'm glad about.

I caught her a few times playing with little balls of her magic between her fingers, looking at it thoughtfully.
She'll need time to process this but I think she's on a good way.

My own processing goes pretty good as well. I am not so confused and upset about my father calling anymore. But I also don't plan on calling him back or writing an email though because there is still a lot on my mind and I don't feel like doing that right now, so.

It's evening now and Wanda and I are in the living area next to the kitchen.
Well, I am, she is in the kitchen, chopping up some vegetables for a little salad we wanted to have for dinner.
I asked if she needed help but she told me she got it and I smiled and let her do her stuff.

Working in the kitchen calms her down and distracts her, so I won't interfere with that if she doesn't want or need it.
I glance up from my book, just finishing up a chapter.
My brows furrow a little and I put my book aside, getting up and going to the window. It's already dark outside but I know this window looks over the woods.
My eyes widen when I see smoke and flames coming from the woods.

"Oh shit." I whisper and somehow, Wanda heard it and within a few seconds, she is next to me, the salad forgotten.

"A fire." She says, her eyes staring into the orange flames that climb up some trees in the further distance.

"Our spot." I whisper and feel my heart drop. I'm not sure in which direction my little shelter is but if the woods are burning, it will spread to everywhere.
I worked so hard on that little shelter and it became my little hide-out and spot to go to when I needed some silence and peace.
Wanda puts her hand on my shoulder, offering some comfort.

"I'm sure the fire won't reach it." She almost whispers but by her tone I can tell, she doesn't believe her own words.   

We both know that it will take some time until the fire is put out and until then, the shelter is very probably burned down.
I bite my lip, trying not to start crying. It's just a spot in the woods, no need to cry.

Well, except that it was really special to me and Wanda and it will be gone. Wanda gives my shoulder a little squeeze as we watch the flames in shock.

"I will go look, what happened there, maybe I can put it out." Vision suddenly says.

I jump and internally curse him. He has to stop coming hovering through the ground or walls.
But the thought of him putting the fire out or stopping it from spreading gives me a bit of hope and I just nod.

He disappears through the wall again and I watch him fly towards the woods.

A sudden noise startles us and Wanda spins around, flying a knife over to where the noise was coming from.
We are alone in this compound, so who could have made this noise?

I turn around as well and my heart warms up a little as I see who it is. Clint swipes the knife away from his face and it drops to the ground.

"You're on high alert, I see." He says and looks between Wanda and me, who relaxes and nods a little.

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