Chapter 35: Going to the store?

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Pov y/n

I smile at Wanda, glad I could reassure her a little.
I will always do that, whenever she needs it. She seems a little calmer now and that makes me glad, I don't like her being upset or sad or something like that. She gives my hand a little squeeze.

"Shall we?" She asks and nods towards the hallway with the elevator.

Right, we wanted to go to the store. I nod and hop off the barstool. When I started cooking, I just hoped that it would turn out good but knowing my own skills, I doubted it a bit but it cheered her up and that's all I wanted to do.
We go into the kitchen and clean it for now, before we head upstairs to get our coats.

Just as we walk towards the garage, Vision appears from...somewhere and I jump a little. He really seems to enjoy scaring me.

"Where are you two headed?" He asks in his usual, monotone voice.

"The store, we'll be back in half an hour or so." Wanda tells him and we start walking again but Vision extends his arm, keeping us from going past him.
I look at him with raised eyebrows and Wanda tilts her head slightly, confused by his behavior.

"I'm sure, we have everything you need here." He says and I glance at Wanda, who shakes her head.
She's the one with the receipt and the one who sorted out groceries yesterday, so she pretty much knows what we have and what we still need.

"We don't." She says and continues to walk again but Vision doesn't take his arm away. She stops and looks at him, a mix between annoyance and confusion in her eyes.

"Are you not letting me leave?" She asks and Vision sighs a little.

"I'm afraid I can't, for safety reasons." He explains and I cock an eyebrow.

"I can protect myself." Wanda says, sounding more annoyed now.

"Not your safety." Vision says and Wanda stops to try getting past him, looking at him a little flabbergasted.

"Are you saying, that Wanda is a danger to the people?" I ask, my voice a little lower than usual, laced with a bit of anger. Vision looks between Wanda and me, almost seeming a little overwhelmed with the situation.

"I got told to stay with you here and make sure, nothing bad happens, until the accords are on safer grounds." He tells us and I huff a little. Wanda seems a little hurt though, so she is rather quiet.

"Who told you that?" I ask and he looks at me again.

"Mr. Stark, before he left for Vienna." He answers and I shake my head, not wanting to believe what Tony did. I like Tony and respect him but this action really makes me furious.

"Wanda is no danger to humanity and just because she doesn't want to sign the accords, it doesn't mean, she has to be stuck here." I say, trying to hold back my anger.

"I know, she would never intentionally hurt someone." Vision says, looking at Wanda with soft eyes and something else in his eyes, that makes my blood boil a little. Wanda looks at him, not showing any other reaction to his words.

"Exactly, so just let her leave." I say but Vision shakes his head, almost looking at Wanda apologetically.

"I can't." He says and I huff and cross my arms.

"Fuck off, honestly." I say, earning a surprised look by Wanda and start walking again. But this time, Vision stops me as well.

"Oh, now I'm not allowed to leave either?" I ask and roll my eyes. He nods and sighs, almost seeming tired of explaining this to us.

"Mr. Stark told me not to let you leave either. He wants to know you're safe and also that you won't plan something to get Wanda out of here. Besides, you are very well trained and could potentially be a danger as well. To people AND the accords." He states and I can't believe Tony did that.

I doubt that it is really about my safety and more about me not doing anything to endanger the accords.
Not that I was planning to or anything. It does explain though, why Wanda and I didn't have to go to school. It wasn't to make sure we are safe, it was to make sure, we don't do anything he would consider stupid.

I swat Visions arm away and turn around. Fighting him would make no sense right now.
He is strong and with Wanda momentarily doubting herself, we wouldn't win and just waste energy. Wanda turns around as well and in silence we walk back to the elevator.

"Stupid toaster." I mutter and Wanda smiles a tiny bit, for once sharing my opinion.
Technically, this is Tony's doing but Vision could still let us leave, he doesn't have to obey.

"No paprikash then." Wanda sighs a little disappointed and I nod in defeat.

"Maybe we are allowed to order the groceries. I mean, we have to get new groceries at some point, so there must be a way." I try to cheer her up and she nods, pressing the button for the living space.

Since we are alone in the compound anyway, we just use it as our personal hangout. And Vision better not show up, or I can't promise to not at least hit him once for being an ass.
We slump down on the sofa in the living room and I turn my head, to look at Wanda.

"I hope, you know, he isn't right." I say and she turns her head to me. "About you being a danger."

She thinks about it and shakes her head.
"I know, he isn't. Well, at least I want to know. Your words helped me to view it from a different point of view and I'm trying to remember that. I can't make people less afraid of me through any action. All I can do, is to control my own fear and use my powers to make good things and hopefully, eventually people will come around." She says and I am glad to hear, that my words helped her with this. It's an important step into the right direction. I nod in agreement.

"That is very true and I am glad, his words didn't get to you." I say and she gives me a weak smile. Even though today isn't that long so far, it feels like a lot.

We decide to try out buying groceries online and nothing seems to stop us. At least, we will be able to cook tomorrow or so. For today, we might have to count on the frozen pizzas in the fridge.

"If you were to run, what would you take with you?" I ask randomly and Wanda looks up from her book, looking over at me.

She's sitting on the bed while I am sitting at the desk, writing into my journal about everything that happened, which would be my father calling and Vision telling us that we aren't allowed to leave.

"Why are you asking? Do you have something in mind?" She asks, not seeming opposed to the idea of getting out of here. I shrug.

"I had something in mind but it's not thought through very much." I answer vaguely and she nods and hums before thinking about my question.

"I don't really own a lot that's valuable to me. A few pictures of me and my family, you and me, one with us, Kelly and Liv and yeah. I don't have much more belongings. Well, the ring you gave me but that's on my finger most of the time." She answers and wiggles with the finger, making me smile a bit.

"Oh, and maybe a few of the cute bookmark-notes you wrote me." She smiles softly and I grin slightly, remembering that I sometimes left her notes in the books she also wanted to read. I would write something nice or sweet onto them and Wanda used them as bookmarks then.

"What about you? What would you take?" She asks and I look around the room.

"Also a few pictures, probably my USB-stick because there is a bunch of stuff on there and also some photos. Maybe a book, my journal and your favorite hoodie." I finish my list and Wanda chuckles a bit.

"Why my favorite hoodie?" She asks and I close my journal and come to sit next to her.

"Well, because you like it so much and look great in it. And I also like to wear it." I admit and her eyes light up a little and she pulls me in for a hug that results in me laying with my head in her lap.

"We would be fully packed pretty quickly, probably within a few minutes." She says and waves a hand through my hair, making me hum at the feeling.

"Yes and then we could go somewhere, where we could be free." I sigh at the thought and Wanda smiles and nods.

"That would be really nice. Maybe we can manage to do that." She says in a bit of a dreamy voice and I nod, hopefully.

A/n: What do you think, will they run away?

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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