Chapter 51: London

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Pov y/n

Wanda can be surprisingly charming.

Not that I never thought that before because, well, I love her and everything but it was clear when we got to London.
We arrived kinda late, so we didn't do much the first day and just checked into a rather cheap hotel because we didn't have a lot of money left.

The first thing we did the next day, was to go to a bank and open an account. It took us a bit of time to convince them to let us have an appointment the same day but it worked. The man that talked to us wasn't sure about letting us open an account, considering we don't have jobs and that's where Wanda's charm came to play. We didn't tell them that we are a couple, they don't need to know that.

So, she put on a charming smile and started lightly flirting with him. It did make me kinda jealous because he is just some random guy from the bank but I managed, knowing that Wanda is my girlfriend and isn't even interested in that guy. It did work though and he agreed to let us open an account and, thanks to Wanda's flirting, he even gave us the one that comes with a little 'welcome gift', which were 100£.

We also had to change the money we already had to the currency of England, finding out that we now have a little less money than before. But with the 100£ extra, we have a bit more. It was very weird to hear her being addressed with the new, fake name she picked but I guess that's our life now.

We aren't Wanda and y/n anymore, we are Lucy and Evelyn, at least for the society. When it's just us or we don't have anyone official around us, we use our actual names.
Since the appointment at the bank took quite a while, we went to grab lunch afterwards and I once again asked to use their telephone. I waited for Cole to pick up and watched as Wanda looked through the menu.

Cole picked up and I told him we are in London and got a bank account. He congratulated us on that and I gave him the account number, so he could send us some money. He also advised us to look for jobs, just so the landlord knows we are doing our best to get jobs and pay the rent on time.

The conversation didn't last very long and it still felt weird to talk to him, considering that I didn't know about his existence a week back.
But I guess it's a good thing because otherwise we would have been screwed. We had lunch and walked around the city a little, trying to get a first orientation and blend in.

It's not bad, not at all. London is really beautiful, even though the weather is a little shitty and we don't have any raincoats yet. We ended up buying an umbrella though because we don't need to be soaked. We also bought some more underwear and clean shirts for the apartment visit.

Right after that, we took the new clothes to a wash salon to wash them before wearing them for the first time, hygienic reasons and all that.

We spent another night at the same hotel and I was exhausted from all the running around and trying to figure out so much. I snuggled into Wanda and tried to ignore the anxiety pulsing through my body at the thought of not finding an apartment and ending up on the street. Wanda could and would protect us, that's for sure but I don't want to live on the street.

The next day, we do as advised and go looking for jobs. I'm not sure, how many people will recognize Wanda but I hope none because if the media finds out we are in London, they're gonna talk about it and our cover would be blown.

We walk into a coffee shop, asking if they are hiring but sadly they aren't, so we walk around some more and ask at a little café. Surprisingly few shops seem to hire and it's starting to get on my nerves and also make me anxious. I play with the ring on Wanda's finger and, of course, she notices it and pulls me to the side, gently placing both of her hands on my shoulders.

"Can you look at me, baby?" She asks and I meet her eyes that are as green as ever. They have this calming effect on me that I don't quite understand but really like.

"It's gonna be okay. This is just the first day of looking for potential jobs. We don't have to get one just yet." She assures me and I nod slowly, nibbling on my lip and one of her hands comes up to cup my face, her thumb pulling my lip from between my teeth.

"What if we don't find a job and don't get the apartment? We have nothing else to stay at and we can't stay in a hotel forever without earning money." I say, spiraling a little, holding onto Wanda's arms for support.

"Shh, deep breaths." She coos and I take a deep breath, trying to control my anxiety.

"If it all comes to worst, we will handle that. I lived on the street, it wasn't nice but it's manageable and I will make sure that nothing happens to you, I promise. But for now, I think we should focus on continuing our plan, allowing us to have some hope that it will work out." She says calmly and I slowly feel my nerves settling. I am still worried that it won't work out but nod.

"I got you, okay?" She says and I nod again, letting her pull me into a hug.
I burry my head in her neck and breathe in her scent that reminds me of home, not the compound, more like this feeling of being somewhere so comfortable that it feels like home. Maybe she is my home because no matter where I am, as long as she is with me, I know it's gonna be okay and we'll find a way.

The hug lasts a little longer but it's exactly what I needed and when she pulls away, I smile a little.
"Thank you, that really helped." I say and she kisses my nose, making me scrunch it up.

"Of course, sunshine." She replies and intertwines our fingers again, leading me back onto the middle of the walk way.

I feel a little less nervous when we walk into the next store and ask for a job and they decline us. Her words replay in my head and I take another deep breath, knowing we can do this. We will find our way, we always did.

After another three stores, I start to lose hope again but let Wanda pull me into a small café.
"Hello, we are here to apply for a job, if you have one or two to offer?" She asks and the slightly older lady behind the counter smiles.

"Yes we do, we've been looking for a waitress lately." She says kindly and I look up, feeling a bit of hope inside me.

"I would like to apply for that job." I tell her and she looks at me and nods.

"Of course, how old are you, dear?" She asks.

"I'm 17." I answer honestly.

We decided not to fake our birthdays because that could get us in serious trouble. Changing the name as well but changing the birthday probably even more. The woman nods and scrunches up her face a little in thought.

"Well, then I guess you would work the afternoon shift, after school." She halfway asks and halfway tells me.I glance at Wanda before agreeing.

This is better than nothing and I'm not sure, how this woman would react if I told her that I'm not going to school at all. We step aside while she serves a customer, telling me what she is doing and how she's making the coffee.

Once the customer leaves, she looks at us again and offers us to come back tomorrow, so I can sign a contract and give her the bank account information so she can send the pay there. We say goodbye and when we are out of the store, I almost jump into Wanda's arms, a sudden burst of motivation shooting through me.

Maybe, this could work. It's only a small job so far and the salary probably isn't very high and surely not enough to pay rent but it's a start.

We walk around a little more and end up in a clothes store, where we buy a few more clothes since we don't really have a lot and want to be able to change them.
As if fate wants to help us, there is a help-wanted sign near the register and I nudge Wanda's shoulder, pointing at it and her eyes light up a little.

We walk up to the register and Wanda asks the guy behind the counter about the sign and he tells her that they are looking for someone who can work at the register, clean up the store a little and can do a bit in their warehouse.

It doesn't sound too promising but it is better than nothing and with our luck so far, we probably won't find another offer this soon.
Wanda tells him she would like to apply for the job and he hands her a form and tells her to come back tomorrow, to speak to the manager.
It's not a 'yes' but it's also not a 'no'. We pay for the clothes and when I see the price, I am a little worried how we're gonna make this work but there's a tiny bit of hope inside me now that I hold onto. 

A/n: Their getting settled in slowly...

Thanks for reading and love to you all <3

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