Chapter Two

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You know what? I'm feeling better all ready about this story and how it's progressing. And as always enjoy ❤️

This story contains cursing, and nsfw

This story contains cursing, and nsfw

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Chapter Two, Teruhashi

"So how do you like the school so far?"

Jasmine smiled and softly shrugged her shoulders. As of right now, both her and Nendou were in the lunch line with their trays, waiting to get there food.

"It's great so far, some of the people here are very nice."

"Really? I'm glad!" The female blushed and smiled softly causing him to blush and look away with a smile. Nendou couldn't help but travel his gaze down the females body. They way her golden eyes lit up when food was placed on her tray, then way her plump lips turned upwards into a smile and were those dimples?

Gosh she was beautiful.

"Oh shit, to what do my eyes perceive?" Both teens paused and looked behind them to see (y/n) standing behind them along with Kuboyasu and Kaidou.

"It seems like someone has fallen head over heels for my sis."

Jasmine smacked her lips and turned around while Nendou blushed madly and rubbed the back of his neck. (Y/n) dramatically gasped and placed her hand onto her forehead and slightly leaned backwards.

"And on the first day too, Kuboyasu can you believe it?" The purple haired male chuckled slightly before shaking his head.

"Hey there I'm Aren Kuboyasu," He outstretched his hand causing the female to smile and shake it softly.

"Nice to meet you."


"I'm sorry are we not going to talk about how Saiki ran out of the classroom with Jayden and Jaylin following after him?"

"Oh he's fine. (Y/n) actually filled me in about that and apparently they all knew each other."

"What?!" The blue haired male yelled while Nendou stared at Jasmine with wide eyes.

"You know my buddy Saiki?"

"Yea, we were childhood friends."

"Did you guys go to a different school before coming here?" (Y/n) smiled and went to answer but paused as a certain blue haired female made her way inside of the cafeteria before making a beeline towards them.

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