14. How he reacts to you being on your period

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im on my period rn and Im dying so yea


-he knows what going on

-cooks for you and brings you lil heat pad things

-will cuddle you and give you lil nose kisses

- over all 10/10


-knows what's goin on but thinks its weird

-brings you heat pads and chocolate

-holds you but awkwardly

-over all 6/10


-literally completely ignores it unless you bring it up to him

-will watch TV with you and cuddle

-brings you cake and beer

-over all 7.5/10


-he knows what's goin on and definitely knows how to handle it

-brings you lots of food and heating pads

-cuddles and lil kisses 24/7

-absolute sweetie, doesn't get mad at your mood swings

-over all 11/10


-has no idea what the fuck is goin on

-gets upset when he sees you crying

-absolutely terrified when he realizes how much your bleeding

-lil soft hugs and lots of comfort



-confused on why you are so moody

-brings you food and cuddles you

-is low key afraid of your mood swings

-generally sweet tho

-over all 9/10


-knows but couldn't give less of a fuck

-gets pissed when you complain about cramps

-brings you food but doesn't really want to touch you

-tell you that it's not that bad and getting kicked in the balls is worse

-over all 3/10

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