26. You ask him "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"

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This was done per request by one of my fav writers <3

Darry: "Um yes, I would still love you?" (confused as hell)

Steve: "I don't know, are you a gross worm?" (he eventually says yes)

Two-Bit: "Probably, would you love me if I was a worm?" (Genuinely wants to know)

Johnny: "Yes, I would still love you," (lil cutie <3)

Soda: "Of course, I would still love you, babe," (he says it like it's obvious)

Pony: "Yes, I would still love you," *Audible eye roll*

Dally: "No, that's gross. Leave me alone," (if you got upset he would tell you he would still love you)

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