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This is just a head start for this story before I hop back on dragon prince.

??? POV

I woke up and see that I'm still in the middle of the forest. Heh, that witch thought she could throw me off to somewhere else while my brothers are dealing with the rest of the monsters. I just hope that they'll survive without me, otherwise there's no hope for the next generation to come in future.

  From what my mentor said, I had something special in my blood. A chance to make more of us. I gave them plenty without me dying of course, luckily we have a mage to make the progress work.

  Unfortunately, he died in a battle in front of me and my brother eyes. he taught & trained us everything we needed to know way back when we were kids. They were like brothers to me.

  Huh, this forest look the same feels very different. My thoughts were interrupted from a sound of a gunshot. Huh, I haven't heard of it since-

*Bang bang bang!*

Well, whatever it was, that's my queue.

3rd POV

A group of people were fighting an unknown creature that's controlling the vines and manipulating an armored bear. The man with glasses tries to shoot it with his gun but each shot he shoots, the monster just vanishes with a swarm of crows. A big guy is fighting the bear until he holds the bear in a hug.

Big guy: Real man hug!

Two elves that are twins tries to reach to the bears head. 

Elf: Trinket! Please, I know you're in there!

Elf: Uh Vex, I don't think he'll listen as long as that thing is controlling him!

Vex: We still have to try Vax! Grog, hold him as long as possible!

Back with the glass man, he still tries to shoot the monster but the two gnomes helps him. The male gnome uses his lute for magic.

Scanlan: I got this Percy. 🎶 Scanlan hand! 🎶

Scanlan create a giant magical purple fist and punches the monster, but then it only made it more angry as is launches multiple vines at Scanlan who's running from it until a yellow glowing made hits the vines. It screeches in pain from the attack.

Scanlan: Oh thank god, I thought I was a goner. Thanks Pike.

Pike: Thank me when we finish it, where the hell did that thing come from!?

Scanlan: (Sarcasm.) Well we can always let Keyleth ask it, since she can talk to trees.

Percy finds cover next to them while reloading his weapon.

Percy: Where is she!?

Keyleth POV

I hide in cover by the tree not far from the fight, hoping it doesn't find me. I didn't know a creature can be so powerful to control the vines and even animals. Just where did that thing come from-

Keyleth: Hmph!

I felt a hand on my mouth and I look behind to to see a man made a quiet sign. I nod and he let go before he steps up. As he does, I see his full appearance.

 As he does, I see his full appearance

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