Part 2: a start

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Place: Grian's house

Grian got up so 5:40AM just to go ice skating, he went to his kitchen to make him self some food. Not that much food, just some eggs in a pot boiling. 

After a few minutes his food was ready and he started to eat it. Turning on his phone just to find his face all over Facebook so he put his phone down. Eating his food in silence at 5:58AM he got up and went to get changed, black pants, black shirt and he grabbed a jumper(red and black).

He walked to his car and made sure his skates were in there and he saw they were so he put them in the sit next to him with his jumper. He started his car up and went to the skating ring listening to music.

Place: skating ring

Grian got out of his car and walked to the other side and got out his skate and jumper and walked to the front of the skating ring. He walked in and when to the cheek out and then went to put his skates on. Grian over heard people talking about him, he did nothing about it. He put his skates on and went on to the ice. He started skating slowly near the middle of the ring, feeling all eyes on him, he hated it but loved it at the same time. He had to dodge people and go around people. After 30 minutes he went to sit down and watch who come in and went out while drink water. Then someone caught his eye, a tall, scar covered male with messy brown hair. 'Why dose he have so many scars?' Grian thought to himself taking one last drink of water. Walking back onto the ring

The person who come with the person in scars was pretty good, so he skated near her alway going a tiny bit faster then her. He was also doing little hops, near the girl makeing her look a little mad. He saw her skate up to the scar covered boy and said

'I had it with him! I quit!'

'Why?' Grian heard the scar boy say back to the girl.

'The bloody soulless skater is showing of again!!' He heard the girl reply, that was no new to hear but it still hurt, he just went back to sit down, he could still hear them talking.

'Who is this soulless skater?' The scar boy said confused.

'Oh, it is pretty popular in the skating community around here, winning a lot of stuff. he is just egoist and rude! Letting all his wins get to his head' Grian saw her point to him, he just looked away

'That's mean!' The scared boy said, Grian's eyes lit up a little. He was not saying anything mean. 'we don't know what his life is life! He is probably just stressed! I would be if all eyes were on me, and so would you.'

Grian stood up and skated over to them a few metres away from them.

"Oh look who it is, hello 'Grian'' the girl said, Grian just looked at them, his eyes made him look dead and stressed

"Hi-" he said back, he skated a bit closer to them "do you need anything?" Grian asked looking at both of them

"Well my friend over here is being mean to you, and that is just not fair on you since we don't know you! On and also I'm scar, pretty wired name I know" scar said to Grian, a little to kindly for Grian's liking, or more or less what Grian was used to

"Well- I'm Grian with you could not tell, and I don't think it is that wired of a name." Grian looked at scar, trying to smile. But he just couldn't.

"Aww thanks! Also I am a little new to ice skating so you can go around and talk to me when you get ti me again" scar said laughing a bit

"It is fine, I can skate with you, teach you a bit. I need a break every now and then" Grian said, not even knowing the last time he had a little break.

Grian tried to go as slow as he can for scar, but he was still a little to fast.(That's what she said😫)"so scar- do you want me to like, hold your hand and take you a bit further in the ring or no" Grian said looking at scar

"Sure" scar said hold his hand out as Grian took his hand in scar's hand. Grian slowly skated to near the middle of the ring for scar. Grian put his other arm out a little so they don't fall over, since it would hurt a lot.

~~after 15 minutes of Grian hold scars hand~~

"Scar, it seems you have got the hang on skating so I am going to let go of your hand. And if I think you are going to fall, I will try to get your hand again, ok?" Grian said looking at scar in the eyes, Grian just saw that scar's eyes are a beautiful Emerald colour/Color.

"Ok-.." scar said letting go of Grian and trying not to fall over, going a bit faster then what he did when he got here.

"Good job scar!" Grian's eye had a highlight, scar has made him feel happiness. He was smiling, again...

Scar looked at Grian "thank you for helping me! Can I give you my number?" He asked wanting to meet up with Grian again some day soon.

"Sure" Grian said, hold his hand out again for scar to Ho,d on to, scar grabbed his hand again "scar are you ok if I go a little faster then what we have been going?" Grain asked, looking into scar's emerald eye. Scar nodded, a scared nod taking his other hand and grabbed Grian further up the arm. Grian started skated again go fast for scar, and a bit slow for him. They made it to were Grian was sitting and he got his phone (1002 words!). They gave each other their phone numbers and sat down together, Grian was ready to stop skating for the day, he was tired but this time happy, so he took his skates off and put his shoes on talking to scar who was doing to the same thing

"See ya scar!" Grian said happily waking out of the building and going to his car.

~~with scar~~

'Grian was kind! Nothing like what (his friends name) said!' Scar thought to him self walking next his friend

"So what was Grian like?" His friend asked him.

"Grian was really kind! Nothing like what you said. I think he just needed someone like me in his life" scar said happily, a big smile on his face. Scar got into his car with his friend and scar talked about Grian the whole way home!

~~with Grian~~

When Grian got home it was 4:51PM and the only think he had eaten was some eggs, so Grian made himself some dinner and ate all of it and drank some water. He when went to his room and got changed to comfortable clothes. The going to lay on his bed and while he was watching his phone he fell asleep


That's where I am going to end this today! It is 11:18PM for me and I need some water and sleep, also tell me a name for the girl ;-; thanks!

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