Part 3: a Real friend!

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Grian woke up, slowly like always when he had nothing to do, or nothing on. The he heard his phone *BUZZZZ*. He got his phone out and looked at the news 'Grian, or soulless skater is bisexual?' Just the normal, people trying to guess his sexuality, he did not even know. Then he come across a new article 'the Soulless skater has a friend?' He clicked the article and saw pictures of him and scar together.

'Rude much, we did not even let you take a photo.' Grian thought, he then remembered the fact he had scar's number and he cheeked it. *3 missed messages from scar* 


Scar                                                                                                                       Grian

Sorry I missed your  messages! I went to sleep right after I got home. 

it is ok :> Also did you see the news? It was rude of them to take a photo without asking.

That's what I think! Also, I have nothing on today if you want to go somewhere

Sure! Where to tho?

How about the park? At *insert place* 

Sure! See you soon

~~end of messages~~

Grian got out of bed and went to the shower, after he was done showering he got dressed into his normal, red sweater and black jeans. He walked outside locked his house and then realised he forgot breakfast 'uGH, too late now' Grian thought going to his car.

Grian got in his car and started it up, backing out of his driveway. 

He made it too the park and got out of his car. He heard some barking and looked around to see scar 'scar has a dog?' Grian thought as he saw the dog. Grian ran over "hello scar!" Grian said stoping. 

"Hi Grian! Oh an by the way this is Abby, my dog!" Scar said patting his dog.

"Awwww" he said going to sit on the floor and pat her "she is so cute" Grian added patting Abby on the back of the head.

Scar looked at Grian 'ok, that's cute. I never knew Grian was a pet person. Going off of what people have said about him, that is' scar thought, looking at Abby and Grian smiling. Grian looked at scar, that- cute Innocent stare he gave scar. "Grian, you are too cute" scar thought about what he said for a bit. "WAIT- not like that, I-"

"Hehehe- thank you scar" Grian smiled back at scar, it did not seem focused. It looked natural... "we should get inside the park now-. They have an ice cream shop too!" Grian still had the most innocent looking face, he did not look broken. Anymore at lest, or is that only with scar?

When they got into the park Grian dragged Scar to his favourite spot. It was under a huge willow, it seemed decades old. Looked slightly glowing, but that could just be because of the sun reflecting off of the beautiful dark green leafs. 

"Wow" the scar covered boy said "this is beautiful, you can see the whole park from here!" While that was kinda true, there were still other hills that blocked the view, but this hill was by far the biggest one there. "Is that the ice-cream place there? "He asked Grian

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