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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

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⋆﹥───── ❝ 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 ❞ ─────﹤⋆

𝑯𝒚𝒖𝒏𝒋𝒊𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

My eyes never left Nari, even when Chan walked into the room. Damnit, she shouldn't have seen that. This wasn't going to end well. Either she will hate me, or they will kill her. I couldn't let that happen.
"What the hell were you thinking?!"
Chan hissed as he glared right at me. I just glared right back.
"She didn't do anything wrong!"
"She knows now. That's something."
My eyes shifted to Seungmin, who was sitting on the other side of Chan with his arms crossed over his chest.
"What are you going to do if she wakes up and spreads this all over? Hmm?"
Chan raised an eyebrow in my direction. I knew what I would have to do if it came to that. Though I wholeheartedly hoped that it wouldn't.
"Then we kill her, simple as that."
Seungmin shrugged, causing me to glare. He was always the heartless one when it came to humans. Changbin then stepped forward, catching everyone's attention.
"Let's keep her alive for now. She seems like she could be useful later."
My eyebrows scrunched together as I looked at the older male, but his expression was unreadable. Then a gasp was heard from the couch, causing my head to snap over to where Nari was lying on the couch. 

Her eyes found mine first before she looked at anyone else.
"What's going on? Who are they?"
Her voice trembled and I could hear her heartbeat pick up as she met Seungmin's eyes. He just smirked at Nari before walking towards her.
"Do you even remember anything?"
He chastised her, and she just watched him with wide eyes, but then her face paled as her gaze flickered over to me. Fear. Complete and utter fear. It was written all across her features.
"Are you..."
She gulped before situating herself so she was sitting up on the couch. Seungmin, however, still stood above her. Nari looked over at Changbin, who wouldn't meet her gaze before it went to Chan, who was just watching her.
"Are you vampires?"
Despite the fear in her eyes and how quickly her heart was beating, she managed to keep her voice steady. Nari then started laughing lightly, but she quickly stopped when Seungmin got in her face with a scowl.
"Do you think this is funny?"
I quickly stood to my feet before grabbing his shoulder tightly, "Take it easy, man."
Nari took a deep, shaky breath before looking up and meeting Seungmin's eyes.
"No, I don't think it's funny; however, I just think it's ridiculous."
My eyes went wide as her facial features relaxed, and she sat straight. Seungmin, however, was not amused in the slightest. In a blink of an eye, his hand was wrapped around her throat, causing Nari to gasp.
"I say we just kill her and get it over with."
He sneered as his eyes turned silver, and he bared his fangs. Nari's eyes went wide. Her hand wrapped around Seungmin's wrist as I tried to pull him off without hurting her.
"Seungmin, let her go."
Chan's cool voice broke through the chaos, and Seungmin glared down at Nari before shoving her back and moving away. Nari coughed as her hand went to her throat, I reached out and placed my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me as she tried to catch her breath, but what I saw in her eyes caught me off, guard. Curiosity.
"What's your name?"
Chan asked, causing Nari to look over at him. She cleared her throat.
"Nari. Yoon Nari."
"Well, Nari, do you understand what situation you're in?"
I watched as her eyes shifted around the room, glancing at each of us before meeting Chan's eyes once again. She let out a shaky breath before nodding and folding her hands in her lap.
"Life or death, I'm sure, because he sure looked ready to end me..."
Nari stated as she pointed to Seungmin, who was now back over by Chan, his arms crossed over his chest once again.
"If you're worried about me telling anyone about Hyunjin, I won't... not that anyone would believe me anyways."
She shrugged, causing all of us to look at her with wide eyes. How was she so calm about this? Chan shook his head softly. I could tell that Nari interested him.
"Are you all vampires?"
Seungmin scoffed, rolling his eyes, "No, we're all santa clause!"
"Really? Can I give you my wish list?"
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at her sarcastic tone and deadpan expression as she stared at Seungmin. He looked like he was about ready to rip her throat out. Chan sensing this told him to step outside to cool off.
"So you're all vampires..."
She looked lost in thought for a moment before her eyes went wide. She must have just realized something.
"Does that mean Yunho..."
Ah, that's right... Yunho had flashed his eyes at her at school this morning. Her eyes glanced up, meeting mine, and I just nodded.
"Yes, he's a vampire, and so are Mingi and Seonghwa."
Her expression turned into one of shock as she processed what I had just told her. That's when I noticed that Chan and Changbin had been awfully quiet this whole time. Looking over, I saw that both were looking at Nari with questioning eyes.
"I don't understand how you're so calm right now... you were freaking out earlier."
Changbin said with a raised eyebrow, and Nari looked at him with pursed lips, blinking a few times.
"Well, who wouldn't when you walk into a dark room to see that?!"
She exclaimed as she motioned towards me with her hands, her eyes wide, and mouth in a tight-lipped smile. She then looked over at me as her facial features softened.
"No offense Hyunjin."
I just shook my head with a small smile on my lips. I couldn't really blame her. I'm sure any normal person in their right mind would have freaked out.
"This whole situation doesn't scare you?"
"Oh no, it does, but honestly..."
Nari chuckled nervously as she scratched the back of her neck. Her ears started going red.
"It's just excitement that outweighs the fear, I guess..."
Changbin looked at her like she was crazy, and I could help but agree with him. Then it dawned on me all of those times that she'd complain about how boring her life was. Was she really excited about something like this? Does she not realize what this means? Or what could happen to her?
"You're insane, but I guess that doesn't surprise me."
Changbin sighed, causing Nari to look at him. She tilted her head. Chan then stood to his feet and walked over to her. Nari's body went stiff as her heartbeat picked up once again.
"My name is Chan. I guess you could call me the leader of this group..."
Nari looked up at him with scrunched eyebrows. It was kind of cute... wait, what? I shook my head slightly, not knowing what I was thinking.
She was confused. Of course, she'd be confused. All of this was being dumped on her all at once.
"It's late. It's better to explain later." Before his gaze shifted to me, Chan explained, "Let's meet here after you guys get out of class. I'll bring the rest of the guys."
"What about Han and Felix? I thought they were overseas."
I asked with a raised eyebrow, and my arms crossed over my chest. Chan, however, just shook his head.
"They got back the other night. See you later."
His tone had a tone of finality as he made his way to the door. He then stopped and turned to Nari. She watched him with curious eyes, but they went wide when she noticed that she had been caught.
"One more thing..." Chan glanced from Nari to me, then Changbin, "If you tell anyone you're as good as dead, remember that."
Nari's face paled a little as she nodded slowly and swallowed thickly. Chan then walked out, leaving the three of us in an awkward silence.

Changbin was the first to move. Pushing off of the wall, he turned towards the hallway.
"I'm going back to bed. Goodnight."
With that, he walked away, so it was only Nari, and I left in the living room. She was looking down at her hands that were sitting in her lap. Deciding that it'd probably be best for her to get home, I stepped towards her.
Her eyes looked up, meeting mine; I felt my heart flutter as she smiled softly.
"You should probably get home..."
She startled a little before she looked around with an awkward smile on her lips.
"You're right..."
Neither one of us moved.
"...or you could crash here for the night if you want..."
I reached up, rubbing the back of my neck as I avoided her gaze, nervous all of a sudden. It was quiet for a few minutes before she cleared her throat.
"If that's okay with you, Rose would kill me if I walked into the house right now..."
She laughed nervously as she picked at her fingernails. Without thinking, I walked forward, grabbing her hand and startling her in the process. Nari looked up at me with slightly wide eyes before her gaze flickered to our hands.
"Don't do that. You'll hurt yourself..."
I wasn't even sure why I had done that, but it was too late now. Nari nodded softly, causing me to smile at her. We stayed like that for a few moments before I let go of her hands and took a step back.
"I'll sleep on the couch. You can have my bed."
"I can't do that to you. It's your bed; I'll sleep on the couch."
I sent a glare her way, and she just smiled at me, not moving. Moving towards her, I reached out, causing the smile on her face to widen. I grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder, causing her to squeal and laugh. Her laugh was like sweet music that I couldn't get enough of.
Smiling, I carried her to my room and tossed her on the bed; however, her grip didn't loosen on me, so I ended up falling with her.
I landed on top of her, my hands on either side of her head. Nari's eyes were wide as she looked up at me. Her face was turning bright red. Her heart was also beating furiously, causing me to smirk at her. She covered her face in embarrassment, and I couldn't help but laugh at how cute her reaction was.
Noticing how close we were, my face started to heat up, so I moved off of her.
"We could just share the bed..."
She mumbled. I probably wouldn't have heard her if I had been anyone else. But I did, and I couldn't help the smirk that was plastered on my face.
"That's not a bad idea."
I said as I grabbed her wrist to pull her hands away from her face, she looked at me with a tight-lipped smile. Her face was a bright red, as well as her ears. I then let go of her wrist before moving past her, further onto the bed.
Nari hadn't moved, and I just sat there and watched her in amusement. When she noticed that I hadn't said anything, she turned her head to look back at me.
"Are you just going to sit there the rest of the night, or are you going to try and sleep?"
I teased her, and she pouted before smacking my leg that was closer to her. I winched jokingly. She just glared before moving closer to me.
Nari situated herself on the bed before lying down, staring up at the ceiling in silence. I chuckled at how awkward she was being.
I then reached over her body to turn the bedside lamp off, and I heard her breath hitch as well as her heart. Once the light was off, I sat back again and laid down next to her, neither of us saying anything.
It was then the reality of everything set in...
"Nari-" "Hyunjin-"
We both spoke at the same time, and I looked over at her, thankful that I could see her clearly. She, however, spoke before I could.
"You first."



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