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Taylor opens her eyes to a room filled with darkness. Her sense of time is fuzzy; she is only aware that it's morning by the red glow of the alarm clock on the bedside table.

6 AM? It's too early, but hasn't the sun risen by now? Why is it still so dark?

Adjusting her eyes to the lack of light, she sees the curtains drawn tightly over the window, blocking out all the sun's rays.

Strange, the singer says to herself. She doesn't recall closing the drapes before going to bed; then again, she doesn't remember much of what happened yesterday at all.

A sudden movement on her right side causes her to jump and tense up. Looking over, she relaxes after realizing it's only Karlie stirring in her sleep. The blonde studies the sleeping girl, noting her furrowed brow and tense posture.

She extends her hand and places it on the brunette's cheek, "Karlie? Baby, it's okay. That's just a bad dream. You're safe, I'm here," trying to soothe her.

"No...Taylor," a whimper escapes from the still sleeping girl's lips. Karlie shivers and hugs the blanket around her tighter, turning away from the singer next to her.

Taylor tries to laugh it off but she is filled with worry; Karlie was never one to have nightmares. She moves closer to the model's side of the bed, snuggling into the warmth left by her body on the mattress.

I'll ask her about it later, trying to put away negative thoughts as she moves her eyes to look up towards the ceiling.

The blonde strains to hear any sound of distress from the girl that lay beside her, ready to jump in and try to fix what was wrong at any moment. Hearing nothing but silence, she closes her eyes once more and lets the dark consume her.

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