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Looking around the apartment felt like she was walking in unchartered territory. It was in the tiny details that no one else saw wherein she noticed the big change. For starters, her favorite custom Koa acoustic guitar was missing from it's usual spot by the piano.

Where did it go?? And why is the piano pushed off to the side? Even the fall-board is shut and there's just random stuff piled on it. Okay, this is not cool anymore. What is going on!?!

She searches the apartment frantically, trying to remember where else she could've put her beloved instrument. It wasn't in any of the spare guest rooms, or the music room which made her even more anxious. She decides to go through their closets, finally finding it inside the one of Karlie's former room.

"What in the world-," the singer stares into the closet her mouth agape at it's contents.

Not only was her guitar inside, so were a lot of her clothes, and various items that held sentimental value to her. It was boxes and boxes of things collected over the years; things she bought on her own or got from trips with her family and Karlie. Some of her favorite jewelry had also been left in storage -the angel wing necklace she wore to the 2014 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, in particular.

"Omg, babe, I'm so proud of you," the brunette gushed as Taylor ran towards her on the runway. "Me? What about you! You killed it, baby!"

"We did it. Together. And I couldn't have asked for a better way to end my days as an Angel on the runway, so thank you baby," Karlie looks into her eyes and cups her face before stealing a quick kiss, "I love you so much, Taylor Alison Swift."

The world went spinning around her at that point. It felt like she'd been punched in the gut and her heart twisted in pieces. Being surrounded by happy memories of with Karlie made it even more painful for her to bear with their current situation. Please, god, I just want to understand. I want to make things right and try to bring back how things were.

A telephone ring sounds from outside and Taylor stands slowly, not willing to answer it.

"Hi, I'm Taylor! And I'm Karlie! We're not in right now so leave us a message after the beeeeep! Hahahaha!"

She feels like crying as she is further reminded of how things used to be. Tears well up in her eyes as she listens to a familiar voice come on the line,

"Hey Karlie, how're you holding up? It's me, Martha! You've got to come out with us, please. We miss you so much," the voice of their friend Martha Hunt comes alive from the machine, "We want to see you; you never know you might have some fun. It'll be good for you, babe. Anyway, if you're up for it or if you need anything else I'm here, okay? I love you!"

Another beep sounds from the machine and Ed Sheeran's smooth tone filled the room. "Hi there, Karlie. Uh, it's Ed. I, just uhm, wanted to check in. I'm in town this week, and uhm if you wanted some company," he stammered, "or just someone to talk to, you know. I'm here. I know you're having a rough time, trust me I am as well. I mean it doesn't compare to what you're feeling of course but, yeah. Uhm, so I hope to hear from you soon, mate. Take care!"

Ed called but he didn't even make mention about me?, the singer asks, even more confused than before. A final beep is heard from the machine as the voice of Cara Delevingne is amplified in the room.

"Oi, Kloss. Missed me yet? I've left dozens of messages and you haven't responded at all," her tone softening, "I know, I know. I can't even imagine what you're going through but you can't close yourself off like that, Karls. Everyone is worried sick about you."

"Now if I don't hear from you again, I'm coming over there, you hear? She'd want me to do that; it's for your own good, you know," and with that the line goes dead as Taylor is left standing in shocked silence.

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