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The piercing sound awakens Taylor to the sight of Karlie screaming and thrashing by her side. Shock is etched on her face as she sits up in bed by her girlfriend, helplessly watching the brunette continue to live out her nightmare.

"Karlie! Karlie, baby, wake up! It's just a bad dream," she says trying to soothe the girl, "I'm here, baby. Please wake up, I've got you."

She strokes the brunette's cheek and wipes the sweat off of her face with her palm, hoping she calms down. It seems to work as Karlie's breathing and heartbeat slows from it's rapid pace and her screams simmer down into cries.

Taylor gives her some space while still trying to comfort the girl, "It's okay, baby. You had a bad dream, it's over now. You're safe here with me."

Karlie buries her face into her pillow; her chest heaving from her shattered sobs. The pillowcase once stained with just cold sweat now mixed with her tears.

Not knowing what to do, Taylor just sits there and watches the love of her life go through a pain she can't fix.

She's always calmed me down from my nightmares, why the hell can't I do the same for her? God, this isn't fair. Karlie doesn't deserve this!

The brunette's cries begin to grow quiet; her breathing labored and heavy, she just lays there staring up at the ceiling. A tense silence fills the room as both girls drift off into their own thoughts.

"I can't take this, anymore," the brunette speaks up, her green eyes flashing like small fires in the dark, "Damn it, Taylor!

"Me?? I'm sorry, babe but what did I do wrong? I don't understand!"

Karlie's voice breaks, catching in her throat as she wipes away the tears that have begun to fall once again from her fiery eyes. Gingerly, she sits up in bed and moves to get up and wash her face.

"I'm so tired, Tay. I can't do this."

"Baby, please. Let's talk about this," Taylor pleads.

The brunette threw a tearful glance at her on the bed before shaking her head and leaving the room, with Taylor in it. Not even bothering to open up the curtains to let the sunshine in as she usually does.

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