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The sound of someone banging on the door wasn't enough to pull Karlie out of her breakdown. She lay on the floor surrounded by the pieces of broken frames, rocking herself as tears continued to stream down her face.

"Oh my god, Karls, what the hell happened!?!" the sound of the lock breaking as the door flew open and Cara bolted into the room towards her.

Careful to step around the debris, she lifts Karlie to her feet and lays her down on the couch. "Are you hurt? What happened, babe? Talk to me, please. Did you hurt yourself? You need to tell me, Karlie Kloss."

A worried Cara frantically searches her friend's arms and legs for any signs of cuts or bleeding wounds before wrapping her snugly in a blanket. She takes the brunette in her arms and leans her head against her chest, trying to soothe her cries.

"Don't do that again, Karls, please," the girl pleads, "You're alright, alright? I'm here for you, we're all here for you. Please don't scare us like that and push us away-"

"No," the brunette says forcefully, "I'm not alright, Cara. I lost the love of my life, how the hell am I supposed to be alright?"

"Babe, I know. Taylor was more than the love of your life, she was life itself for you," the girl says gently, "but I know she would hate to see you like this. It isn't fair to lose her; life never really is, babe. I know she would've wanted you to talk to someone at least, and not lash out like this."

"Taylor was always after your happiness, babe. She lived to make you smile and to see it constantly. You know that," Cara continues on as the brunette listened while losing herself in the archive of memories that flashed in her mind.

"It was an accident, a shitty one at that and we all wish it didn't happen-"

Sunlight flows through the window of their bedroom and onto their bodies that lay intertwined on the mattress. Karlie opens her eyes and marvels at the vision of Taylor sleeping. From the steady rise and fall of her body with each breath to the way her mouth curves up into a smile and the strands of hair that fall on her face.

Those beautiful, big, blue eyes open up and stare into Karlie's bright green. "Good morning, beautiful," Karlie smiles

"Mmm, g'morning baby," Taylor hums sleepily as she leans in for a kiss, "Do you know what day it is today, hmm?"

Karlie rolls her eyes at Taylor playfully and feigns annoyance at their kiss ending, "No, what is it, baby?"

"Our anniversary, of course!"

"Oh my gosh! How could I forget?!"

"Hey, don't be mean!" Taylor puts on a pout and turns away from the model.

Karlie moves closer to Taylor and hugs her from behind, kissing the crook of the blonde's neck and bringing a warmth to both their bodies. "I love you so much, Tay. Happy First Anniversary!!"

The blonde turns her head towards the model and steals another kiss, "I love you too, Karlie Elizabeth Kloss. I can't wait for tonight with you, I want you to see my surprise already!"

The two snuggle into each other once more before getting out of bed and going about their day.

Karlie clutches at the necklaces hanging from her neck, a gold letter K & T which sit right next to her heart. She stares at the picture frame Cara had cleared from the debris and placed on the coffee table in front of her. It was one that held a bittersweet memory for her, one that she wishes never existed.

The night was wearing on and Karlie was growing anxious. She paced the length of the apartment and placed a call on her phone.

"Tay, babe! Where are you? You said you'd be home by 5 and that you'd wait for me!" she says worriedly, "The car is missing but the security guys are still here. Please tell me you have at least one bodyguard with you or so help me you are in so much trouble when you get home!"

It had been two hours since she called and Taylor had not returned. Karlie was growing even more nervous, like something wasn't right. Her phone's ring startles her and she runs to pick it up, seeing Taylor's name on the phone.

"Miss Karlie Kloss? This is Nurse Callie from Mount Sinai Hospital. I need you to come down here, there's been an accident involving Miss Taylor Swift."


The room was stark white and the bright lights burned her eyes, but it was nothing compared to the sight of Taylor bandaged and bruised on that hospital bed with tubes sticking out of her. Karlie couldn't even fully comprehend what the doctor was telling her in that state of shock.

"The damage is severe, we've had to induce a coma just so she can cope. There's nothing much we can do except wait, but the odds don't look so good. I'm sorry."

She moves closer to the girl lying on the hospital bed, gently placing her hand in hers and stroking it. Taylor looked unrecognizable after the crash, save for her blonde hair poking out from under the bandages. The beeping sounds of the machines around them adding to the heightened emotions of the moment.

"Taylor, baby, please. I need you to wake up. Wake up for me, baby, please. You can do it, I know. You're strong and you'll get through this, you will get better. I'm taking care of you, I'm here every step of the way all you need is to wake up, baby. Open your gorgeous blue eyes and look at me, I'm right here," she says almost desperately, stifling her cries as she looks on at her girlfriend.

"You know, I had a surprise planned for you, maybe once you hear it you'll want to get up," the brunette's voice shakes as she takes a deep breath and says, "So I heard Ed's new song the other week and I asked him if I could sing it for you tonight and he said yeah, so here it goes."

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
And times are forever frozen still

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans
Holdin' me closer
Til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone
Wait for me to come home

She continues to sing to the girl even as the machines beeps begin to slow and the flurry of doctors rush around them. She continues to sing even as the girl's hand goes limp in hers and the life leaves her body. She continues to sing as the tears flow non-stop and even then when it all dries up and she has no more tears to shed. She continues to sing as they hand her the last thing Taylor had with her in the car, the surprise meant for the love of her life: the photograph of them a year ago to the day, kissing as they held each other in their arms against the Rhode Island sea and sky.

One year later and Karlie still continues to sing for her, as she looks into their photographs and feels the ache in her heart and soul that will never be healed. Laying on that couch, staring into faces filled with happiness that she once knew, she sings the song for her once more.


[a/n: thanks for all the reads/votes/comments, you guys!! those really make my day 💕 I wanted to try this out and hopefully y'all didn't hate it too much hahaha! Stay tuned for another fic coming up real soon and updates to Sparks Fly again!! I love you all, you rock!! 😉]

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