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Taylor places her hand on the same spot Karlie left hers, hoping to feel the warmth that once radiated freely from the green-eyed girl. She felt nothing; the spot remained just as cold as Karlie was being to her.

Turning her back on the door, she returned to the kitchen in search of the two cats. "Mer! Dibbles!! Hey guys, how's your breakfast, huh?"

The two look up at her for a minute, not making a move to approach her. "Karlie's mad at me, guys," she says crouching down nearer to the cats, "What do I do?"

Meow. Olivia turns away and runs off, followed closely by Meredith, leaving Taylor completely alone with her thoughts once more. Great! Even these two are kind of mad at me now.

Dejected, the singer lowers herself down to the floor completely and just sits there, her back against the kitchen counter. Something bright flashes the side of her face; the small amount of sunlight that was able to pass below the drapes, reflected on glass shards.

She inches closer and examines the fallen object -a picture frame with it's glass shattered. Karlie and Taylor were closeup in the frame; the taller girl placing a kiss on her cheek as she smiles while they both look directly at the camera in the black and white photo. This is from our first roadtrip! What's it doing on the floor?!

Taylor looks around and finds a couple of frames more on the ground. Images of Karlie and she together -from her 25th birthday party, a trip they had to Rhode Island, and one from the day of their Knicks game date.

These must've just fallen over. But what I don't understand is, Karlie hasn't even put these back or cleaned the mess up, the girl notes. Clearly, something more was going on with her girlfriend as she begins to see other parts of her present unusual behavior.

She walks around their living room with a nagging feeling that something else was wrong. There was dust everywhere -on the table, shelves, and even on the other sofa chairs- like the place hadn't been cleaned in months. Only one seat remained untainted by the dust; it was her and Karlie's favorite couch. The couch that saw many days and nights of cuddles and kisses; it also held memories of the times they made love and fell asleep entangled with each other.

Thinking back on all those moments, it made her smile; the first since waking up that morning. I'm going to fix things with Karlie, in the best way I know how. I am not going to lose her.

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