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By the time Taylor left the room and went downstairs, Karlie was already halfway through her breakfast. The model was preoccupied with checking messages on her phone and didn't even bother looking up even when Taylor sat across from her at the table.

"You look gorgeous as always, babe! What'd you make for breakfast?" she asks.

No response. The girl didn't even lift her eyes off of the phone's screen, as if she hadn't heard the blonde's remark.

Karlie puts her phone down finally and leaves her free hand on the table while using the other to poke around the food with a fork. She had this tired look on her face; a paleness to her skin, a melancholic look in her eyes, and a somber demeanor that Taylor never saw before. It scared her at how different the love of her life had become; as if the Karlie she once knew was no longer there and all that remained was a shell of her.

"Baby, I get it, you're mad. Please help me understand why, at least. Please," she pleads once more, reaching out to touch Karlie's hand on the tabletop.

The blonde's fingers are millimeters within reach from Karlie's when the brunette withdraws her hand. She's taken aback by the gesture, too stunned to make an audible sound.

Oh, god. What did I do to make her this mad at me? She won't talk to me, touch me, or even look at me. I need to fix this, one way or another.

The brunette clears away the rest of her untouched meal and brings the dishes to the sink without so much as casting a glance at her girlfriend. Trying to restrain her sniffles, she calls out in a loud voice, "Meredith! Olivia! Time for breakfast guys, come and eat!"

Olivia trots in running straight into Karlie's arms as the model offers her a rub behind the ears and some kibble. Meredith follows lazily behind but surprisingly cuddles herself around the model's foot, waiting for her turn to be pet. The model doesn't disappoint and even takes Meredith into her arms, hugging her close, "Hey Mer. How're you holding up?"

"I know, I'm having a hard time too. But we've got each other, and your sister," the brunette sighs, straightening herself up as she gently places the cat back on the floor.

She grabs her things and walks to the door with Taylor following closely behind her.

"I'll be back as soon as I can," she says, pausing to take one more look around the apartment; one hand holding herself steady on the door before slamming it shut.

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