2 - elu

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Eliott wakes up to Lucas playing the piano


Lucas was sat on the bed, his hands shaking and his heart beating wildly against his chest.

He had a horrible dream that his Eliott realized how fucking awful he was.

In the dream Eliott was very cold and closed off. He screamed and threw stuff against the walls which, wasn't like him in any way.

He packed up his stuff and left. He went back to Lucille without hesitation.

Lucas looked to the side to see his boyfriend passed out next to him. He looked so calm and peaceful. His hair was a mess and his mouth was slightly open, yet he still looked so beautiful.

How could he possible fall for someone like Lucas?

What if he didn't really love him. What if it really was some sort of distraction or a temporary thing.

Lucas couldn't breath at all now and threw the covers off himself and hurriedly made his way to the living room.


He had been sitting on the piano bench for the past couple minutes.

Once Eliott heard him play the first time, he was mesmerized and when they finally moved in together, he insisted on getting a beautiful grand piano and putting it in the living room.

Lucas had calmed down from his thoughts from earlier. But they still rested on the back of his mind.

Lucas knew that what they have is definitely not temporary.

Lucas loves Eliott and Eliott loves Lucas.

He slowly felt a warm feeling in his stomach that soon spread to the rest of his body, replaying memories that he and Eliott shared.

With the warm feeling inside his chest, he slowly guided his finger to the keys and started playing a beautiful melody that could (and did) make angels cry.

Unknown to sweet Lucas, Eliott had woken up a couple minutes earlier and was getting himself out of bed to look for his love, when he heard the piano playing faintly.

He was drawn to it and before he knew it, he was leaning on the doorway of the living room, watching his little ball of sunshine take his emotions out on the piano.

Lucas had done that a lot. When he was angry, he would play quick and harsh tunes.

And when he was sad he would play upsetting songs til his fingers felt like falling off. It even made Eliott tear up a few times.

But this?

This was different

This was love and adoration

Whatever song Lucas was currently playing, kind of reminded Eliott of the first time he had ever heard him play.

When he was done, Eliott quietly walked over and seated himself on the bench.

From the corner of his eyes, he watched Lucas do a small jump, before relaxing when he saw it was just him.

"That was beautiful", Eliott said with a small smile on his face, looking over to his boyfriend with admiration written all over his face.

Lucas couldn't help but send him a small smile back. "Yeah, it's just something I've been messing with" He said, shrugging his shoulders.

Lucas definitely doesn't give himself enough credit

He was just so fucking talented

Eliott thought that Lucas could 100% go pro if he really wanted to.

"Are you ok? How come you're up so late?" Eliott turned his head around, looking at the clock that read 2:37.

"Just had a nightmare" Lucas muttered quietly to himself, looking down at his hands.

"Talk to me", Eliott reached forward and pressed multiple kisses all over Lucas's face, which caused him to laugh.

And so they sat there. Cuddled up on the piano, sharing looks and kisses as Eliott comforted Lucas and reassured him that something like that would never happen.


Heading back to their bed, with their limbs tangled together and their shirts thrown somewhere around the room, they laid peacefully as they slowly drifted to bed.

Yea Lucas was 110% sure that this isn't temporary.


I'm so thirsty for pepsi

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