8 - evak

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Even gets into a fight

TW: Blood, Violence, Harsh Talk (Bullying) and Homophobia


To say, Even didn't mean for this to happen is an understatement. He didn't mean for his fist to go flying connecting with the other boys face. He didn't mean to pin him down and hit him til the boy was nearly unconscious. But it happened anyway.


Even sat in class as he slowly copied the notes on the board. He was having a bad day and could feel himself slowly staring to catch a fever.

Despite this, he hid it from Isak (he only got away with it since they were in a rush this morning) and manage to get to school just fine.

He felt himself becoming overly hot when he woke up, but he didn't wanna miss anymore days and didn't want Isak to either, knowing he would also stay home if he knew he was sick.

He heard a boy behind him giggling quietly as he whispered, "- no art college will want to take a boy like that"

Listening in as he knew he was the only male in his grade that wanted to go into an arts college, he soon recognized the voice.

Aksel Jorgensen

Total a-hole and was kept back the matter of four times. Tall, hairy and strangely smelled like saliva.

Your average loser who lives with his mom in her loser basement.

God what a loser

"What do you mean?" He heard a girl reply as he heard the scooting of the chair, signaling that she was most likely moving away from his horrible breath.

"I mean, his films probably suck! And he's into dudes and girls. Something about a pan? It's bad enough that he likes dudes but the least he could do is pick a side!"

Even felt his hands clench as he tried to ignore the comments and tried to focus back on the board, feeling his headache increase.

"And he dragged that weird kid and all his friends with him!" Was he talking about Isak and their shared friend group? Even wondered as he listened back in, feeling his leg bounce at the mere thought of someone bad mouthing his friends and lovely boyfriend.

"He wasn't even gay before Even corrupted him! Isaks probably just using hi-"



Sitting outside the office door with an ice pack to his bloody knuckles, Even glares at the floor as he hears rushing footsteps approach him.

"Even? What the hell happened?" Isak says as he comes to a halt in front of the older boy.

Looking up at his boyfriend with tired eyes, he was about to respond when the principle came out and called him in.

"I'll tell you later" he mutters and picks up his bag.


A dreadful hour later, Even was finally released from this office with no suspension- seeing as it wasn't his fault- but with a week detention seeing as he did get into a fight.

Sitting out there was Isak playing some sort of video game while his legged bounced up and down.

Upon finally seeing Evens arrival, Isak pocketed his phone and stood up quickly to pull Even in for a hug and letting out a relieved sigh as he did so.

Resting his head on Isak shoulder, right in the curve of his neck, Even felt the tension ease away from his body.

Taking a deep breath with his eyes closed, he slowly brought his hands up and wrapped them around Isak, pulling him even closer to him.

He felt Isak press small kisses to the side of his face before he pulled away so they were face to face, but still chest to chest.

"Are your knuckles ok?" Isak switched his gaze from Evens eyes, down to his hands. "Ok" Even replied shortly as he watched the man of his dreams fret over his slightly bloody and bruised hands.

Even wanted nothing more then to lean down and kiss his boyfriend breathless but could tell that Isak was far to worried for a make out session- especially right in front of the principles office.

Isak looked back up and kissed Even on the cheek before slipping his hand in his and muttering a quiet 'let's go home' and gently pulled him along the long hallway.

It's not like he needed to guide him, either way, Even would follow him everywhere he went.


On the way back to their shared flat, Even gave Isak a brief summary of what that asshole kid said.

Isak was shocked- not because of the rude comments- but for the way Even reacted.

Usually he'd just roll his eyes and hold Isak back as he'd try and jump over the table to get to the guy. He doesn't think he's ever seen a time where Even actually responded physically to some nasty homophobe.

Usually Isak was the fighter of the group, not hesitating to start a screaming match before punching said persons face in without a care of the consequences afterwards, even if the person is taller or has more weight on him.

Using common sense, Isak came to two very smart conclusions. Even was either stressed out or sick.

He knew he wasn't having an episode due to knowing exactly how he gets when one is coming on, he also knew that the only ever time he would ever respond to comments like that is if he's having a really bad day, or if he was starting to get so sick (which he realized after studying his face that he certainly is) that his brain cells slowly power down for a bit until there ready to come back at the end of his sickness.

Feeling bad for not having noticed earlier today, Isak let Even sleep on him during the ride home and let him lean on him more so then usual while heading up to their apartment.

Tucking him into bed after taking of his clothes and putting some bandages on the already asleep Evens hands, he quietly made his way to the living room and made a quiet phone call letting the school know that they won't be attending school due to Evens upcoming fever.

Running his eyes, Isak quickly took of his clothes until he was left in the sweats he wore today, he slowly slipped into bed and wrapped his arms around Even, not caring if he eventually got sick to.


I'm so tired I'm literally abt to pass out forever

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