1 - evak

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In which Isak sees Even and Sonja kissing but it takes a turn

TW: mentions of drugs, alcohol and thoughts of harm


Isak stared with a blank look written across his face.

Even was kissing Sonja


His Even

He could feel his fingers shake and his breath becoming uneven.

At that moment Even turned his head and got the perfect view of Isak standing in the middle, surrounded by drunk teens.

He was just...standing there.


Even basically felt his heart drop to his ass.

Fuck he felt so guilty he just wanted to curl himself up into a ball and cry his eyes out.

He wanted to run over to Isak and assure him he's the only one he wants.

He wanted to get on his knees and beg Isak for forgiveness.

But he didn't

Even knew that this is what he had to do. He knew that he needed to do this. He didn't wanna ruin Isaks life with his bipolar disorder.

Even noticed that Isak shifted his body to the side, as if he was about to run out of there. But warm hands clamped him on the shoulder and behind him were those 3 boys that Isak usually hangs out with.

He saw Isak mask his face as the boys talked loudly in his ear due to the music pumping.

Isak didn't know if it was the music or if it was because his heart was beating so wildly against his chest, but everything sounded so muffled. He was at least able to make out the words drink, girls, boobs, sex and drugs.

His friends were pulling him over to another side of the house and as he turned to follow them he took one last glance back.

There Even was still staring, but when they made eye contact, he looked away and went back to talking with Sonja.



Isak had zero clue how the hell this happened

To summarize, once Even basically ripped out his heart and stomped on it, the boys and him went to a different side of the house where all the drinks were located. After spending an hour sat on the couch chugging beers and smoking joints, Magnus suddenly came stumbling over with a baggie of pills dangling from his fingers.

Don't get Isak wrong. He was incredibly, high? drunk? Hell he couldn't even tell anymore. But he needed something, anything, to distract him from the way his heart was hurting. How for the last hour he was fighting back tears, even letting a bit slip when he knew no one was looking.

He wanted to fucking break down in ugly sobs, he wanted to throw himself off the nearest building, he wanted to shove his fingers down his throat to the point where he's throwing up blood, hell he even wanted to rip his hair out and slit his wrist. He wanted to punch anything, something to cause him pain.

But he didn't

He just took the pills that Magnus was handing them and swallowed them with his beer.


Even watched as Isak silently swallowed the pills

He watched as him and his friends were dancing wildly on the dance floor, cackling and stumbling, letting the drugs consume them.

He watched harder when Isak climbed on the table, belting whatever song that was playing in the background as people cheered him on.

He watched as he danced before stopping and stripping off his jacket, then his shirt, his hat going with it.

He listened as people wolf whistled at the half naked Isak and how Isak slowly reached for his pant buttons.

Yea fuck no

Only Even can see Isak that way. Only he can see him naked. He wasn't to keen on letting everyone else see what's his.

Even ditched Sonja as she was in the middle of talking and sped walked over to Isak was.

He quickly grabbed him from off the table and tossed him over his shoulder, putting one hand on his legs and the other on his lower back to make sure he doesn't fall.

He heard Isak giggling quietly to himself muttering something about horses and glitter.

Even made sure to grab Isak clothes as he walks out the house not glancing back as he walked past Sonja.

He honestly couldn't give a single fuck about her, He was just worried and needed to make sure his boy was ok from all the drugs he took.


Gently lowering a passed out Isak on the bed, he took off his shoes and jeans and tucked his love into the blanket.

He started at his ray of sunshine before giving him a kiss and muttering apologies over and over again.

Sighing to himself and looking at the most perfect person ever, he left Isaks apartment and went back to his own.



Also I read this like a million times but please tell me if I misspelled anything so I can fix it😭😭

The whole Isak stripping on the table part was low key inspired by the kissing booth🫡

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