Chapter Two: Cair Paravel and Trumpkin

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          The five eventually found a way up the cliff to inspect the ruins. Everything was obliterated and overgrown by vines, it was still beautiful though with the way the sun bounced off of whatever structure was left and how the sun was being absorbed by the green vines. They were all wandering around the ruins wondering what could've stood there before the ruins became... well, ruins. 

"Ouch!" Y/N exclaimed as she stepped on something, she picked it up to examine it, "wow..."

"Hey that's mine! From my chess set." Edmund said claiming the chess piece Y/N had stepped on. 

"Which chess set is solid gold, Ed?" Y/N asked her cousin in shock. 

"Well I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley did I?" He mocked. Lucy then began looking around, "It can't be..." she murmered. Her siblings and cousin following her to see what she was up to. She walked up to four bolders that looked like the were once platforms for something.

"Can't you see?" She exclaimed at her siblings, turning them around and arranging them to her liking.

"Imagine walls, and colomns there...and a glass roof." She pointed. It didn't take long for them to figure it out.

"Cair Paravel." Peter said, looking around longingly at the palace he used to live and rule in. After a couple minutes of them reminising Peter had a thought and dashed over to a aged wooden door that was overgrown by vines, "maybe it's still there." He mumbled, clearing all the vines and kicking in the door to reveal a dark staircase.

Not ominous at all. Y/N thought as she watched Peter rip apart his shirt and attach it to a stick, he then turned to Edmund, "I suppose you don't have any matches do you?" Peter asked his brother.

"No but," Edmund started opening his satchel, "would this help?" He asked pulling out a chrome flashlight, smirking at his older brother. Peter laughed, "you might've mentioned that a bit sooner?" Edmund just continued smirking as he turned his flashlight on, leading the rest of his family down the stairs to which eventually revealed an illuminated treasure room.

"I can't believe it, it's all still here!" Peter said, shock evident in his voice as he stared in awe at the room he stood in.  In said room stood four beautifully carved statues of Y/N's cousins...except they were older, and in front of those statues were chests. Each Pevensie quietly walked to their respected chest, gently opening them.

"I was so tall." Lucy said, holding up one of her luxurious gowns she used to wear.

"Well, you were older then." Susan consoled her sister. "As apposed to hundreds of years later...when you're younger." Edmund said, slightly confusing himself making Y/N chuckle as she watched her cousins. She watched as Peter pulled out a beautiful sword with the engraving of a lion at the end of the handle.

"When Aslan bears his teeth, Winter meets its death," Peter started, reading the scripture off of his sword. "And when he shakes his mane, we shall have Spring again." Lucy finished, sadness painted on her face and laced in her voice. "Mr. Tumnus and the beavers...they're all gone." Lucy had told Y/N about her faun friend Mr. Tumnus and the couragous beavers that led the four to Aslan to be knighted and then crowned the Kings and Queens of Narnia. Y/N quietly strided over to her little cousin engulfing her in a reassuring hug as well as landing a gentle reassuring kiss on top her head.

"It's ok Lu. You can't change the past, best to keep living in the present and looking forward to the future." Y/N advised, Lucy nodding her head in understanding.

"I think it's time we find out what's been going on." Peter said. 


The Pevensies and Y/N had changed into more Narnian attire, Susan letting Y/N borrow one of her dresses she used to wear when she was older so Y/N didn't have to worry about it not being long enough seeing as she was taller than Susan by about an inch, Lucy also gave her a spare dagger she could use for protection if ever she needed it.  The five were walking along the river bend attempting to find some form of Narnian life but they had no luck, that is until they wlked upon two soldiers holding a small man- a dwarf- who was tied up, over the edge of their boat ready to drop him into the water.

Susan had shot an arrow at the boat, striking the side of it and pulled her bow to the ready once more, "Drop him!" She ordered, and like she had ordered they did...right into the water. Susan shot one soldier in the chest instantly killing him as the other jumped out of the boat swimming away. Peter had jumped into the river after the dwarf and Edmund and Y/N had gone to grab the boat, meeting Peter and the others on shore.

"Drop him! That's the best you could come up with?" The dwarf exclaimed angrily at Susan, her and Y/N scoffing. "A simple 'thank you' would suffice." Y/N said.

"They were doing a good job drowning me without the help of you." The dwarf argued.

"Why were they trying to kill you?" Lucy stepped up, being the peacemaker she was.

"They're Telmarines. It's what they do." The dwarf deadpanned.

"Telmarines? In Narnia?" Edmund asked confused.

"What are Telmarines?" Y/N asked, her cousins never told her about these, what seem to be, horrid people. Peter leaned over to her whispering in her ear telling her that the Telmarines are the people that live in the country next to Narnia...and that before the Pevensies left they had an alliance with them as well.

"Where have you lot been for the last hundred years?" The dwarf asked, though it sounded rhetorical.

"It's sort of a long story." Susan said nervously, realization hitting the dwarf in the face. "Oh you've got to be kidding me. You mean you're it? You're the Kings and Queens of Old?" He asked, the four nodding.

"High King Peter, The Magnificent." Peter said, stretching his hand out to shake the dwarfs hand.

"Probably could've left out that last bit." Y/N said making the dwarf chuckle, "Probably." He said, doing a double-take on the girl.

"I thought there was only four Kings and Queens of Old. Who are you?" He asked, Y/N blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm their cousin." She said shyly, the dwarf smiling at her and then nodding his head in respect, Peter then cut in, unsheathing his sword, "You might be surprised." He said.

"You don't want to do that boy." The dwarf warned.

"Not me, him." Peter said, handing his sword to the dwarf, nodding to Edmund who soon unsheathed his own sword ready to battle the dwarf. At first Edmund was sure he was going to win for the dwarf nearly fell to the ground due to the weight of Peter's sword but he quickly recovered being the first to swing. Edmund quickly blocked his attack and just as soon disarmed the dwarf holding him at swordpoint, the tip of Edmund's sword aimed at the dwarfs chest, just above his heart.

"Blimey...maybe that horn worked after all." The dwarf said out of breath.

"Horn? What horn?" Susan asked

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