Chapter Three: Prince Caspian

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     The five cousins walked with the dwarf in search of the one who blew Susan's horn, who they letter knew his name to be Prince Caspian of Telmar. Of course, Peter led the way and the dwarf allowed him to since Peter is High King. Though everyone felt they were lost.

"I don't remember this way." Susan commented. Peter snickered.

"That's the problem with girls, you can't carry a map in your heads," he said. "Probably because we actually have something in them," Y/N quickly retorted as they continued to follow Peter but they soon came to a dead end.

"We're not lost," Peter mumbled to himself but everyone ended up hearing him anyways, "No. You're just going the wrong way." The dwarf stated.

"You said the last time you saw Caspian was in the West Wood and the quickest way to get there is to cross at the river rush," Peter defended.

"Yes, but unless I've mistaken there is no crossing in these parts." The dwarf said, "That's just it then; you've mistaken." Peter eyed, shoving past all of us going towards the Great River.


"He's mistaken, Peter?" Y/N teased as they stared a good hundered feet down at the river, Peter glared at her.

"You see over time water tends to break down the earth-" Susan started but Peter cut her off with a scoff, "Ok, I get it!" The tension quickly grew back at Peter's anger.

"Maybe he should've listened to our D.L.F." Susan murmered to Lucy, "D.L.F?" Y/N asked.

"Dear Little Friend...since we don't know his name." Lucy said innocently, "You ever think to ask him his name?" Y/N pointed out causing Lucy to blush lightly in embarrassment. Eventually the six decided to find a way down to the river rush but Lucy was hesitant. She turned around and stared at the other side of the river, Y/N following behind her making sure she doesn't fall.

"Aslan?" Y/N heard Lucy mumble, causing her to look across the cliff. And low and behold there stood a lion- The Great Lion himself- Aslan. Y/N eyes widened as she stared at him. He looked beautiful, from his golden mane to his amber eyes. Aslan didn't say anything, he just smiled and bowed to her and she curtseyed back.

"Aslan! Look guys! He's here!" Lucy started, "Can't you see! He's right over- there..." Lucy ended, confusion laced in her voice.

"Where is he?" Peter asked, walking up close to his littlest sister.

"He was right there!" She defended. Peter looked at Lucy as if deciding whether or not to trust her, "Why didn't I see him?" He asked. She scoffed, "I'm not crazy Peter, Y/N saw him too." Peter looked over to his cousin, she shrugged.

"Maybe you weren't looking..." She said.


The six eventually made it to a clearing when the sun began to set. Peter and Edmund went around the campsite; on guard, Susan and Lucy gathered a bunch of moss pads to make the ground more comfortable to sleep on, and Y/N and the dwarf- who they now know his name to be Trumpkin- gathered firewood and kindling for the campfire. Trumpkin had offered to stay up to keep an eye on the fire to make sure it didn't go out but Y/N shut that down, saying that he needs rest because of the long day he's had. He was going to argue but for some reason he chose not to, seeing the determination and sincerity in her eyes.

She had stayed up until the early hours of the morning came. Only when she saw the dark, star-filled sky begin its transition into it's beautiful light blue, sun-shiney self did she attempt to get sleep.

It was dark and eerily quiet. Susan and Lucy had snuck out of their tent into the woods, "Where are you going?" Y/N asked her cousins but they didn't hear her. She ran to catch up to them, "Hello! Susan! Lucy! Why are you ignoring me?" She called out, rubbing her hands frantically in their faces. They didn't make a noise, a face, an anything. Y/N didn't have a clue as to what was going on. Why couldn't they see her, or hear her? She then looked down at her hands, only to gasp when she could see through them.

"Ok. This has to be a dream." She murmered to herself, following Susan and Lucy to an opening in the woods. Apparently Y/N wasn't the only one following somebody because come to find out Susan and Lucy were following Aslan. They had walked with Aslan until he told them that he needed to go on, on his own now. They pleaded the Great Lion to keep him company but he wouldn't budge, and they knew that so they agreed. Once Aslan walked away, Susan and Lucy had ran around to some bushes and hid behind them. Y/N followed them and saw the scariest thing she probably ever saw. A bunch of evil looking creatures surrounded Aslan, gnawing at him as he walked up to this etheral woman at the end of a Stone Table.

Y/N watched as they humiliated Aslan by tying him to the table and shaving his mane. He didn't fight back. He just lied there, allowing them to do whatever it was they wished to do to him. It was very hard to watch. And, soon enough everything stopped. The party. Her breathing. His life. Everything. Aslan was dead. Y/N shreaked in horror at the sight, tears falling from her eyes as Aslan lye still and cold on The Stone Table. She closed her eyes, thinking that the next time she'd open them she'd be awake but that wasn't the case. She had opened her eyes to see the starry sky, and she couldn't move. She tried but she couldn't. The only thing she could move was her head and when she lefted her head up she saw that, instead of Aslan being tied to the table it was her. And instead of his mane being cut, her clothes were. And, instead of the blade being burried in his flesh, it was in hers.


Y/N had awoken by the sound of a loud cry. She quickly got up seeing she was now alone and ran towards the sounds of swords clashing. She had stumbled upon Peter and some other young man in the middle of a fight.

"No stop!" Lucy exclaimed worriedly, as Narnians surrounded the two young men.

"Prince Caspian?"

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