Chapter Four: Aslan's How

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"Prince Caspian?" Peter asked.

"Yes. And, who are you?" The stranger- now identified as Prince Caspian- asked in a Telmarine accent. He then turned to look at Y/N as she exclaimed Peter's name when she arrived at the battle scene. Susan, Edmund and Trumpkin soon following as well, he then looked back at Peter and then down at the sword he held in his hands and then back up to Peter again. And, that's when it finally clicked.

"High King Peter." Caspian warily stated seeing that he about killed the High King of Old.

"I believe you called." Peter said.

"Well yes, but I thought you'd be older." Caspian said, "Well if you'd like we could come back in a couple of years." Peter responded sarcastically.

"No! No, it's alright. You're just not exactly what I was expecting." Caspian admitted, eyeing Y/N curiously making her blush a little, though she'd just blame it on the sun.

"Well neither are you." Edmund chimed in.

"A common enemy unites the oldest of foes." A badger said, making Y/N's eyes go wide having not being used to talking animals.

"We have anxiously awaited your return, my Liege. Our hearts and swords are at your service." A mouse said, scurrying up to Peter and bowing.

Lucy leaned in and whispered into Y/N and Susan's ears, "Oh my gosh, he's so cute."

"Who said that!" The mouse roared, unsheathing his tiny sword causing the three girls to take a cautious step back.

"Sorry." Lucy apologized bashfully having been caught.

"O-oh, your Majesty! With the greatest respect, I believe courageous, courteous, or even chivalrous to be a better fit to a Knight of Narnia." He bowed.

"Well, at least we know some of you can handle a blade." Peter said amused, slightly mocking Caspian. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows at her elder cousins antics.

"Yes, indeed. And, i have recently put it to good use securing weapons for your army sire." The mouse stoically said.

"Good, because we're going to need every sword we can get." Peter said, turning back to Caspian. Y/N watched as Caspian's breathing grew more rapid in Peter's presence, "Well then, you will probably be wanting yours back." Caspian said, handing the sword back to Peter, Peter eyeing him as he sheathed his sword.

Caspian turned back to the others, making eye contact with Y/N. " I was always told that there were four Kings and Queens of Old. Who are you?" Caspian politely asked.

"I'm Y/N. Their cousin." She said sheepishly as his dark brown eyes locked onto her E/C ones. He bowed his head in respect, "my lady." He said, making her blush once more.

"You've got weapons but have you gotten as far as a fortress?" Edmund asked, forcing Caspian's gaze away from Y/N. It wasn't until that point, when he looked away, that she realized that she had been holding in her breath.

"Of course." Edmund smiled, leading everyone to their newfound fortress that they would be defending.


"It may not be what you're used to, but it is defensible." Caspian told Peter. He sounded like he was a small boy seeking validation from his father. Peter nodded and led the Narnians down to Aslan's How. Y/N walked up next to Caspian.

"Thank you." She said. He turned to look at her in surprise having not heard her walk up next to him. He didn't say anything for a moment but eventually he looked at her, "you're welcome." He smiled. It wasn't a genuine smile though, it was more like a thanks for acknowledging me smile. And, Y/N knew that. She could see it in his eyes.

"Also, I'm sorry about Peter. Ever since they left Narnia he's been sort of lost," she started, "just don't take it personally. He'll come around." She reassured, causing him to smile. A genuine on this time.

"Thank you Lady Y/N." He said, she looked down bashfully, "No need for formalities. I'm not a Lady anyway, just Y/N is fine." she reassured with a smile. He nodded, making a mental note to not call her 'Lady' anymore.

Soon enough they made it to The How. A bunch of Centaurs were lined up at the entrance, swords unsheathed and shaped in an arch, ready for the royal family to walk through. They started walking but instead of Y/n following them like she usually did she stayed behind with Caspian. He gave her a thankful smile.

Once inside Caspian showed them around. He showed them where they kept the horses, gryffins, food, weapons and where they'd be sleeping. He had arranged three hammocks be made and hung on the stone walls for Y/N, Lucy and Susan to sleep in, coincidentally (or not) placing Y/N's closest to where he'd be laying on the floor. She smiled but chose not to think to much of it.

Sometime during the tour Susan and Lucy ventured off to look around on their own, "Peter! You may want to see this." Susan called. Peter, Edmund, Caspian and Y/N walked over towards Lucy and Susan in a little hallway. Lucy pointed to the paintings on the wall. One image had a young girl, a faun and a lamppost inscribed into the wall. Another had four Kings and Queens standing in front of their thrones in the Great Hall of their castle.

"It's us." Susan quietly said.

"What is this place?" Lucy asked Caspian.

"You mean you don't know?" He asked, and when they all shook their heads 'no' he took a torch off the wall and guided them towards the end of the hall to a pitch black room. Once they reached the entrance of the room, Caspian had placed the torch down and light illuminated the room, revealing The Great Stone Table.

Suddenly it was like Y/N couldn't breathe. This was the table from her dream. But, what did it mean?

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