Chapter Five: The Invasion Plan

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Y/N had woken up early the next morning, not by her own will of course, by her dear cousin; Peter. 

"What is the reason why you've woken me up at this unforeseen hour?" Y/N complained as she tried to keep up with Peter, who by the way still hasn't said much other than 'Good Morning' in a rather chipper voice since her awakening. He didn't answer her... as she figured, he just grabbed a sword- which she thought was odd since he had one of his own already- and walked outside to where Susan was practicing her archery. 

He finally stopped, Y/N catching her breath and handed her the sword. She had a look of confusion plastered on her face but that was soon replaced by a look of realization, "You're training me." 

"But of course. You need to be able to fight if you're planning on surviving this war," Peter started, "and who better to teach you than me?" He cockily finished with a smirk plastered on his face. But he soon grew serious. 

"Right, so first things; your stance. I want you to get yourself in a fighting stance." Peter instructed. Y/N did as told, spreading her legs about shoulder width apart, broadening her shoulders, and holding her sword out.  Peter walked over to her, taking in her stance. 

"Very good, " He said impressed, "watch too many movies ay?" He teased, Y/N rolled her eyes but didn't bother hiding her smirk. 

"Nope, just my dimwitted cousin." She deadpanned, shutting Peter up for good. He then walked back to his place before, this time unsheathing his sword. "Your stance is good- very good actually- now we just need to make sure you can hold your own." He said seriously. With that being said, he pounced at Y/N. Good thing she has fast reflexes, because if she didn't she'd be dead. 

"Not even a warning, Pete?" She grudged as she blocked her cousin's attack. 

"You don't get warnings in battle." He said seriously, pulling away for another attack. 

So that's how he wants to do this. Y/N thought. 

He kept charging at her and she kept blocking him. She was getting quiet good at defense but she needed to balance it out by being good at offense as well; which took Peter off guard as she started charging at him, and ferociously at that. They were so into it that they didn't notice the crowd that gathered around them, and Y/N certainly didn't notice a certain Prince eyeing her as well. 

Soon, the sword clashing came to a halt. But, to everyone's surprise it came to a tie. No one won. Which, again, was surprising considering that Peter was considered the best swordsman in Narnia. They didn't pull away until they heard an applause come from the crowd surrounding them, and only then did Caspian and Y/N make eye contact. She would've held his gaze longer but she had to turn her attention back to her mentor, if you will. 

"Very good, Y/N. I think we may make a warrior out of you yet." Peter teased, sheathing his sword and then walking away back into the How with everyone else... except one. 

"Where did you learn to fight that well?" Caspian asked, walking up to Y/N. 

"Pardon?" She asked, now holding his gaze. Caspian held his breath when his eyes met hers. 

"I mean, you've never been to Narnia before now- at least that's what Lucy told me- and you somehow manage to keep up with the best swordsman Narnia has ever seen? That's impeccable!" He gushed, Y/N blushed at his praise. 

"It's nothing really. I guess it must run in the family. I have fast reflexes so I think that might've helped out a bit." Y/N chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck bashfully. Caspian chuckled at her bashfulness. 


"The Telmarine's will be here soon enough. We need a plan, and we need it fast." Peter stated, eyeing every Narnian in the room. 

"What do you suggest we do, Your Majesty?" The rather courageous mouse- now known as Reepicheep- asks. 

"We get ready to-"

"We plan to-"

Everyone held their breath at the tension that was created between Peter and Caspian. Caspian had built this army and was ready to lead these people but Peter was the High King of Narnia, so respectfully Caspian stepped down. 

"We get ready to invade their castle. Our best bet is to get them before they have a chance to get us." Peter said, the Narnians nodding in approval, but Caspian stepped in. 

"But that's crazy, no one has ever taken over that castle." Caspian stated, the Narnians also nodding in approval. No one knew who to side with. Most of them were too scared to side with Caspian due to Peter being their King. 

"There's always a first time."

"We'll have the element of surprise." Trumpkin said, supporting Peter's plan.

"But we have the advantage here!" Caspian argued.  

"But if we dig in, we could hold them off indefinitely." Susan countered. 

"Well, I for one, feel safer underground." Trufflehunter, a badger, said trying to lighten the mood. 

"Look. I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a's a tomb." Peter argued back.

"Yes, and if they're smart the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out." Edmund said, supporting his older brother. 

"Yes, but like Caspian said we have the advantage here! Miraz doesn't know the land and I'm sure we could come up with a plan to-"

"You shouldn't really be talking since this is your first time here." Peter deadpanned. Y/N stormed up to him, eyes red from holding back tears of anger. 

"I may be new, but I am not niave. These people look up to you, Peter. It's time you stop acting like a King and actually be a King." She whispered and then stormed off. 

"We could collect nuts!" A squirrel exclaimed, attempting to lighten the mood after she stormed off.

"Yes! And, throw them at the Telmarines! Shut up. I think you know where I stand, Sire" Reepicheep said to Peter. 

Peter shifted his gaze to the head of the Centaurs, "If i get your troops in, can you handle the guards?" He asked. The Centaur looked over at Caspian, almost as though he were apologizing with his eyes, and then he looked back at Peter, "Or die trying, my Liege." 

"That's what I'm worried about." Lucy said. Peter turned to his littlest sister. 

"Sorry?" Peter asked her, confusion laced in his voice. 

"You all act like there's only two options; dying here or dying there." Lucy stated. 

"I'm not sure you've really been listening Lu-" Peter started, "No you're not listening! Or have you really forgotten who defeated the White Witch, Peter?" Lucy said, cutting Peter off. Peter's jaw tightened when she said that. 

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough." Peter said, turning around to walk out, "We leave at dusk."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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