Dont you understand, oh my little girl.

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Time skip to you in your bed room and your dad is over by your desk. "I know you feel disgusting but hey I did stuff like that at 13 oh I remember, Daisy in 10th grade" my dad said drinking the beer. "I know but what do I do" I said sulking into my pillow wishing the pain would just float away. "I wont judge you sweet heart I love you, are you gonna be just beige and depressed" he asked. "Yes dad can't you see im a damsel in distress" I said dramatically holding my hand on my heart and the back of my hand on my forehead. My dad chuckled a little. "Anyway sweetie im Gonna go" he said standing up and going out my door. As soon as my dad leaves I see the boys outside my window. I open the window and get back on the bed while they come in. They notice my all beige outfit with a beige sweater and a beige hair clip pushing my hair in place black boots with the book girl in pieces I held close to my stomach. "Y/n are you alright?" Bruce asked me sitting on my bed tilting his head. "Its like she's plain and dead" Vance said. "Im fine" I said with a plain face. Finney tried to kiss me but I said "dont touch me". "Sorry" he said. "Y/n if your depressed tell us" billy said holding my hand while I was dead inside I feel disgusting around them. They have seen everything. "Hey what's that?" Vance asks looking at my stomach seeing a belly ring. "Its a belly button ring" I said smiling laughing a little. "WHAT" he yelled quietly. "A BELLY BUTTON RING HOW ELSE CAN I SAY IT I DONT SPEAK NO OTHER LANGUAGES" I yelled. "Y/n your losing yourself stop please" robin said. "Oh that happened two thousand years ago IM A MUMMY" I said smiling obviously delusional lauging like a ditzy bitch. "I can't do this y/n your a slut, no bra no panties no bra no panties no bra no" I cut Vance off slapping him. "FUCK OFF" I yelled going to the bathroom and throwing up. I started to get my pills out of the mirror above the sink and took a shitload. Fuck that's the second time I've done that. I start just stepping and stomping on the floor below me. I failed as a teenager I've disgraced me! I just wanna wish I was a kid again not a slut.

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