Reaching The Surface

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This is back to Kreios's POV.

I managed to reach the surface, but I was not expecting a human to be there. 

Fortunately, I don't think he got a good glimpse of me, but to be safe, I quickly hid back deep into the sea.

My heart was beating rapidly after that encounter. I scolded myself for not being too careful and almost ruining the whole plan. I hope I won't have to interact with humans too much in my adventures to save the kingdom. 

I stayed deep within the waters until I felt it was long enough for the human to be gone. I peeked my head enough to see if there were any other fishermen out at sea. But fortunately for me, there was none around.

I swam towards a rocky shore where no one should be near or at and quickly changed into a human form using the necklace my father bestowed upon me. It took me a while to get used to the legs. But after some hopping and wobbling around, I was able to get the hang of it and started to make my way down toward the city.

I walked down towards the docks where all the boats and fishermen were. I tried to keep my head down, but I noticed people giving me strange looks from the corner of my eye.

Trying not to draw too much attention, I started speed walking and hightailing it out of there.

Once I passed, I sat somewhere in the open to catch my breath. Who knew that the surface could be so scary? Then again, I'm on a secret mission to unite both kingdoms together.

I looked around for any more signs of life after I caught my breath; luckily, there were no "two-legged" beings around where I was. So, I continued towards the city, but not before I bumped into the same human I came across at sea.

Uh oh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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