The Mere Commoner

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Hey Hey Hey! My name is Blaze, I mean everyone should know that just by reading introductions for the characters... right? No? Well come on man, you gotta do better than that. Oh well, I will tell you about myself.

My name is Blaze, of course you guys know, since I said it in the intro, and you guys should've read the introduction. But as you may already know, that I'm a normal poor human. I live with my parents, I'm actually about to head into college, but instead, I want to join the military and help fight the battle between humans and merpeople. But nooo, my parents won't let me.

They want me to stay here and help earn profit to help support the family income and whatnot. You see here, my family is one of those poor commoner families, and the only way to make money is by fishing, or being those storekeepers, I don't know. But as you see here I am a fisher, my father is a fisher, and my mother is a housewife. So my family basically works for food. Every day, we would be struggling just for a little piece of food. it's kinda depressing. But enough sad talk, let's talk about more of my life.

I am currently seventeen, I have a best friend whose name is Julie, I'm gay (that I did not mention in his bio, sorry) I'm single, so come at me men *winks*. Just kidding, don't actually, I'm not ready for a love life just yet. But maybe somewhere in the future *double winks*. I don't know what's more to talk about, well besides that I'm humorous and have a great personality. Do you know how I mentioned that I was a fisher? And that my family is poor. Well ever since the war has been happening for more than a decade, fishing is becoming harder and harder each passing day.

Each time I go out fishing. I would always bring up nothing in my nets. It seems like the ocean turned its back towards us. I mean it makes sense since we are at war with it. But hopefully, this will all end so that we can go back to our normal daily lives, and not have to worry about anyone attacking us.

That would be a dream come true. 

Two Kingdoms, One story: LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now